chapter 4

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Will Herondale

When I got home that night, I saw Jem and Tessa laying on the couch. Tessa had her head on his chest, and Jem had his arm around her. I saw a half empty can of Pepsi of the side table. A feeling aroused inside of me. I felt something cruel, dark, and menacing bubbling up from inside. I was feeling, I was feeling jealous. Something about Tessa and Jem like that made me feel empty. I walked up to my bedroom. I passed Tessa's bedroom on the way. I saw something laying on the side table next to her bed. It looked like two books. Feeling paranoid, I looked both ways down the hallway before entering her room. I picked up the top book. A Tale of Two Cities. Of course, this was her favorite book. The second was also a book. Or so I thought; it was actually a tin box that looked like a book. I opened it up, and saw a key. I recognized it immediately, the key to the nightstand drawer. She hid it in here because she didn't want someone to open the drawer. I grabbed the key and put it in the keyhole. It clicked and I pulled it open. There was only one thing in the drawer. A journal. I thought I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, so I snatched up

the journal, and shut the drawer quickly. I locked it and threw the key into the box and quickly shut it. I placed the other book on top of it, and hid behind the closet door. Cecy peered in with sleepy eyes. She looked around, but she couldn't see me. She shrugged and continued walking.

I quickly ran to the door of her room and looked down the hallway.Nobody was there so I ran to my room as quietly as I could. I threw the journal into my bedside drawer, and locked it. I hid the key under my mattress. I jumped into my bed and shut the lamp off. I kept wondering what was in that journal. In the midst of my thinking, I fell asleep.

James (Jem) Carstairs

When I woke up in the morning, Tessa was laying on me. I was laying on my back, with my head against the armrest. She was laying on her stomach, her head was on my chest. It was early in the morning, I heard Cecy in the kitchen. I wanted to go help them. But I didn't want to wake Tessa up. She looked beautiful when she was asleep.

I pulled her head off of my chest and slid half my body out from under her. She stirred, but she kept on sleeping. I finally got the rest of me out from under her. I grabbed a pillow and slid it under her head. She opened her eyes a bit, I winced. I was scared I had woken her up. She looked at me with sleepy eyes. She yawned and I smiled at her.

"Did I sleep on your shoulder?" She said tiredly

"Yeah, you aren't going to remember this, so I will talk to you later about it." I replied quietly.

"You want to know something? I didn't have nightmares like I usually do."

"That's good." I whispered

"I love you Jem. Did you know that?" She said clearly.

"Go back to sleep Tessa." I smiled.


"Goodnight Tessa." I gave her a quick kiss on the head, and I walked out of the room.

I couldn't help but think what she did dream that night.

Tessa Gray

I woke up, feeling dazed yet awake at the same time. My heart was pounding, and I was shaking all over. I could hear voices coming from the other room. I sat up ad pushed the blanket off. While stretching, I got up and walked into the kitchen. Cecy, Sophie, Gideon, Gabrial, and Jem were all sitting around the table, eating eggs. They were laughing, and chatting about carnivals. They looked up at me, and Jem smiled.

"There are some eggs on the counter if you want any." Cecy smiled.

I nodded and grabbed myself a plate. The eggs were warm and tasted really good. I was helping them clean up the dishes and put things away, when a question came across my mind.

"Where is Will?"

"He is in his room sleeping. He got back at like 4 in the morning." Cecy explained.

I kept to myself after that. Sophie, Gideon and Gabrial, and even Jem went home a little while later. Cecy and I were sitting on the couch watching tv, when I remembered to ask about my friends in New York.

"Hey I have a question." I started.

"Okay, shoot."

"I have some friends in New York. I was wondering if maybe, you would like to meet them? I actually think you will love them. Maybe can they stay a few nights? If not, that's okay too." I asked.

"Sure. I think meeting new people is fun. It is Will you have to worry about." Cecy replied.

"Why do you have to worry abut me?" A voice came from the stairwell. I looked up to see Will, groggy and tired looking.

"My friends are coming to visit, and that includes Isabelle, I was wondering if they could stay here?"

"I'm alright with that, but I'm not giving up my room."

"Fine with me."Cecy added.

With that I shot up and ran past Will, and up to my room. I grabbed my phone to call Izzy and Clary. I called Izzy first. She picked up quickly, but she sounded like I just woke her up.

"Hey, guess what they said??"I told her excitedly


You guys can come!"

She sounded like she woke up immediately. "WHAT! ARE YOU SERIOUS!"



She started packing right away and so I hung up and started to call Clary. When she answered, to my relief it was Clary and not Jace.


She shouted with delight. And yelled to Jace that they could go.She told me she would spread the news.

I didn't realize that maybe inviting them was a little to much until it was too late

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