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Hinokami Kagura, Meaning; Dance of the Fire God

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Hinokami Kagura, Meaning; Dance of the Fire God.

A dance passed down generation from generation by the Kamado family, the eldest son learns and preforms the dance before passing it down to their son. This dance is preformed so the God's would give them another year of luck and peace.


Rewrtitten;Feb 24 - March 1,2021.

Please enjoy!


                 "Oto-san?" The young boy asked his father, his eyes shining with curiosity.

The older man gave him a closed-eyed smile, "Yes, Tanjirou?"

"You know how the God's are protecting us, right? And you know the blessings they gave us? W-Well, how come we only do the 'Hinokami Kagura'?" 

The older man paused for a few minutes, thinking of a way to answer his eldest son's question.

"Well, Tanjirou. This dance was passed on in our family for generations, even before the God's gave us our blessings. This dance has a long history, and I'll tell you the whole thing once your of age." 

The boy nodded with an excited smile,"I'm turning 10 next year!"

Tanjuro chuckled lightly at his son before patting the boys soft hair.

How he hoped Tanjiro would have a happy life, it was unfortunate though..

He knew such a wish could never happen.


The sound of a young boy and girl laughing along with the loud screeches of an older boy could be heard atop the huge mountain, where the Kamado family lived.

"HAaANAaAAKOoOOO! SHIIIIIGEEeEERUU!" Takeo screeched as he chased the two laughing children around the perimeter of the small house. Slipping on the snow while running, he started picking up snow as he ran and began to throw at his two younger siblings.

"Hey!! That ain't fair, Takeo-nii!!" Hanako cried as she began to run faster, Shigeru's laughs just grew louder.

"HueeH?! What d'ya meAN?! FaIR?! Ya FREAKIN' tHREW a bARRAGe of snOW bAlls at ME! FOR, nO, rEASoN!" Takeo gasped, his voice breaking multiple times and even going high.

"I'm home!" An older voice yelled, the three siblings stopped fighting, Hanako and Shigeru running with a huge grin on their faces. Once Takeo heard the voice his eyes grew wide with excitement and he too, had a huge grin on his face. 

But he went red and quickly shook his grin off his face, his eyes still sparkling with joy.

"Onii-chan!!"Hanako and Shigeru screamed, Hanako jumped onto Tanjiro while Shigeru clung onto Tanjiro's side. The eldest brother let out a lighthearted laugh and began running his fingers through Hanako's soft, black, medium-length hair.

Shigeru nuzzled into Tanjiro's black and green checkered haori and began saying muffled sentances,  'Onii-chans' was all that could be understood.

Takeo came out from the corner, "Hey, Nii-chan" He yelled, waving his arm to get the attention of Tanjiro.

"Yes, Takeo?"

"Can I come with you next time?"

"Hmm...How about no, sorry!" 

Takeo groaned in disappointment and annoyance, "Why not?"

"I dunno..Maybe 'cause your my baby brother~!"Tanjiro laughed when Takeo let out a screech of embarrassment and denial, he began to make his way in the hut. Hanako and Shigeru still clinging onto him causing him to go slow.

The two troublemakers began giggling and laughing at the red Takeo who followed behind them grumbling and mumbling angry and embarrassed words. 

"Hey! Quit yer' yappin'!" He yelled, his face growing redder and redder each second.

"HA! YOU LOOK LIKE A TOMATO TAKEO-NII!!" Hanako wheezed, while Shigeru began laughing like a hyena. 

Tanjiro simply chuckled lightly as the Takeo and the two troublemakers began throwing insults at the other. 

"Kaa-san! I'm home!" He yelled as he began to take Hanako and Shigeru off of him and placed them near Takeo. 

He took off his basket and placed it onto the wooden floor, before going into one of the rooms.

To his luck, he found Nezuko trying to cradling and calming a sniffling Rokuta.

"Ah, Nezuko! Do  you know where Kaa-san is?" Tanjiro asked as he made his way to the two, Nezuko nodded and changed her position in a way for Tanjiro to take Rokuta.

He picked up Rokuta from her arms and began cradling the toddler, he looked to Nezuko waiting for her answer.

Nezuko sighed, "Kaa-san went to Saburo Oji-san For a visit, I think."

Tanjiro nodded lightly and handed Nezuko the now sleeping child. 

"Thanks, Nezuko." He smiled gently, before heading back to his three fighting sibings.

All three were arguing loudly outside of their small house, In all honesty, their insults were plain stupid.

"Now, now guys! We should stop arguing, don't you think its getting kinda chilly now?" Tanjiro said, as he lightly bonked Shigeru and Hanako's head.

All three who were surprised by their older brothers sudden appearance let out soft grumbles and pouts before going into the small house on by one. 

Tanjiro smiled, before turning to follow the three.

"Ah, Tanjiro!" A soft female voice called.

The boy's head whipped towards the voice, his messy ponytail flowing elegantly in the process.

His mother was truly a beautiful woman. In all honesty, the family was filled with beauties. The children most likely got the genetics from their mother.

Her beautiful black, silky hair that went all the way down to her hips was locked into a bun. Stray strands left to dangle over her face. 

Her smooth, porcelain skin was accompanied with a beauty mark located below her lower lip on the left side.

The woman's gorgeous purple orbs, that go from a galactic purple to a nice pastel, soft purple.

If you stared into those eyes, you'd see how soft and gentle they looked. As if those eyes belonged to an angel. (Oh the irony)

Tanjiro let out a blinding smile as he started walking towards the woman, "Kaa-san!"

The woman laughed lightly, allowing Tanjiro to take one of the baskets from her hands.

"Thank you, Tanjiro. You're such an amazing child, I can't believe I managed to get a son like you." 

Tanjiro laughed nervously with both pride and embarrasment.

"A-arigato gozaimasu!" 

Kie chuckled before moving her position towards the small house.

"Lets's head in, It's getting quite chilly"



Word count;1036

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