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    "Tanjiro."He stiffened when he heard the voice of his father ring in his head.Then his memories started overflowing his mind.

                                                  ✧✧   Flashback    ✧✧

"Tanjiro,I'm gonna teach you how to control and use your ability,Only you have this ability,And its a very dangerous one.Its not like the abilities you know of,Its a very dangerous one.You can only use it when your life or someone else's life is in danger.You cannot tell anyone else about this either,Not even your mother or siblings."

Tanjuro said with a serious face,His voice low.Tanjiro stood there,Processing what his father had just said.

"But..Why..?"He asked in a small voice.

"Its to keep Yourself and The others safe."His father replied,With a sad smile.His hand resting on his sons head.

"Okay Oto-san. I promise I won't tell anyone."Tanjiro said,His face fierce and his voice calm.

"I still have many things to teach you,But your too young.Once your 10 I will teach you how to ̶̶̶̶̶̶́̌ͅɯ̶̶̶̶̵̶̖̑͋ɹ̶̶̶̶̶̷̶̨̗̀͊o̶̶̶̶̵̶̹̮͗ɟ̶̶̶̶̶̶͛̒ͅ ̶̶̶̶̶̶̶͖̦̊̎ǝ̶̶̶̶̴̶̛͎̌n̶̶̶̶̶̵̶̨̖̽̋ɹ̶̶̶̶̴̶̘̪̇ʇ̶̶̶̶̶̴̶̢̥͑͋ ̶̶̶̴̶̫̉ɹ̶̶̶̶̶̷̶̮͎̎͠n̶̶̶̶̶̗͊ò̶̶̶̶̴̶̢̡ʎ̶̶̶̷̶̞̏ ̶̶̶̶̷̶̞̫̽ǝ̶̶̶̵̶̆ͅʇ̶̶̶̶̶̷̶̭̞̏̕ɐ̶̶̶̵̶͔̾ᴉ̶̶̶̶̷̶̙̯͌ʌ̶̶̶̶̶̶͙͛̈ᴉ̶̶̶̷̶̧͌ʇ̶̶̶̶̶̵̶̥̀̂͜ɔ̶̶̶̶̵̶͖̇͑ɐ"The older man whispered,too quiet for his son to hear.

The older man smiled one last time,And got up from his futon.They went off to the woods at night,Wearing their warm clothing for winter.That night,Tanjiro knew that the power only he possesses is a dangerous one,So he kept his promise to his father,And didn't tell anyone.

                                                   ✧✧  Flashback End ✧✧

  Tanjiro felt the 'mans' grip on his neck grew stronger,The man was angry seeing the sight of seeing his descendants,And once he saw the earrings Tanjiro was wearing,His veins almost popped out of his eyes.

"Tell me boy,Do you posses the same power as that 'monster'?"The red-eyed man asked,His fangs sharp.

Tanjiro didn't answer,As he was still trying to detach the hand from his neck.He couldn't use his ability yet,It was too much of a risk.

Plus,He was wounded,It would damage his wound even more if he dared to activate it.

The man grew impatient,He gripped Tanjiro's frail neck even more,Not caring if the boy fainted from the lack of air he was receiving.

"Ack!"Tanjiro managed to choke out,He didn't understand what this 'man'was,And what this 'man' even wanted.

The short haired man loosened his grip,Dropping the boy on the snow.He looked down at Tanjiro,His Plum red eyes glowed as it a dark,cold,winter night.

Tanjiro put his hand around his neck,Gasping for air.He glanced up at the man,Before focusing on his breathing again.

"I said-AGH!"Before the man could finish his sentence,The boy threw snow at the mans eyes,Before quickly fleeing to a tree,And hiding behind it.

The unknown creature hissed,As he wiped his eyes.He glanced at the tree the boy was hiding in,Anger visible on his face.

Tanjiro couldn't flee as his wings had been damaged along with his arm,He was preparing himself to use his power,But hesitated during the process.He glanced up to the Night sky,And saw his family.

He saw his Sister,Nezuko flying down to the forest to help Tanjiro,But Tanjiro signalled for her to stop,As it was too dangerous.He held his arm against his wound,Trying his best to hold back the pain.

He was hoping that the 'man' wouldn't come closer for just a few minutes.

Tanjiro didn't know what to do,He couldn't fly off,He couldn't use his ability,And his wounds are starting to get worse.He didn't wanna die,If he did,Who would protect his family.?

Then,The only option he had left came through his head.He knew it was risky,But it was the only one he had left.




Thank you for reading This chapter! Sorry for the short chapter,Next chapter will be longer and out in a few days.I didn't give him some epic power up or anything since I found that overused.But at the same time,This chapter kinda sucks since I basically had him get a flashback,But nothing happens after that soo..

Word count:633.

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