|6:Im a...|

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       "Well I...am a..."Giyuu stopped for a few seconds,Before continuing his sentance.

"...Demon Slayer."He said,Fermly.

Nezuko didn't know how to respond.She didn't know if she could trust him yet,And she didn't even know much about demons.

"I still can't trust you."She said,Thinking that its a lie.

Giyuu sighed,Before opening his mouth to explain why she should trust him.

"If I were a demon,I would've broken the door and ate you by now."He sighed.

Nezuko stood there in silence.

Tanjiro's head peaked out of the small closet His head nodding,Signalling her that its okay.

"..Fine.You can come in."She said,As she opened the door.

When the door opened,Giyuu saw the young girl.Who had long,black hair,Tied in a bun.Her eyes a dark,but dazzling pink.

Her Kimono was light pink with a hemp leaf pattern,The lining a rather pale pink,With a red and white checkered obi.She had a Orange thread looped around her waist,With another green band above it.

He quietly stepped in the wooden hut,To see a futon in a small corner.It seemed that the injured child was being treated by her since there was a towel,Bandages,A bowl of water,And some blood.

He looked around,And saw two rooms.A bathroom and a small closet.There was also a small kitchen near the entrance,But it looked like no one used it yet.

He turned back to the small closet,And saw a set beautiful,Dark red,Eyes peeking out the door.They  looked like rubies.

"You can come out now."He said in a calming voice hoping that it would calm the poor child.

Thankfully,It worked.A young boy with Burgundy hair,Tied into a messy ponytail,A weird birthmark or possible scar on the corner of his forehead,And the owner of the  ruby like eyes came out,Carrying what seemed like his two younger siblings.

The boy had bandages on his right arm,He wore earrings on both ears,And wore his ripped,Checkered green and black haori to keep him warm from the cold.He wore some ragged pants too,Along with some white socks.

(Tanjiro's wings were hidden behind his haori and had grown smaller.He couldn't hide his wings completely because he was wounded.)

The young boy looked nervous and tired.Well,He couldn't blame him.The poor boy had lost such a large amount of blood,It would be surprising if the boy was perfectly fine.

Nezuko helped her elder brother carry the two younger children t the futon to rest.

Giyuu sat down,And the two elder children did the same.

"I'm Nezuko Kamado,And this is my elder brother,Tanjiro Kamado."Nezuko introduced herself,And her brother to the older man.

Nezuko pointed to her younger siblings lying on the futon.

"The girl is Hanako,And the Boy is Rokuta."She introduced her younger siblings to the Demon slayer as well.

"Wheres the rest of your family?"Giyuu asked,Causing Nezuko and Tanjiro's eyes to widen.

"How do you know we have more family members?"Tanjiro asked,He started to lose trust in the Demon slayer.

Giyuu forgot that he wasn't supposed to tell them anything,And sighed.

Nezuko and Tanjiro backed away,Tanjiro was now on guard,Paying close attention to Giyuu's actions.

"Ah..I guess I have no choice but to tell you then."He sighed,With a little bit of annoyance that he lost the trust he just got from the children.

"I'm a Demon slayer,As you already know,And I was sent on mission to protect your family.I'm here to keep you guys safe,Until you find a safe place to stay."He explained,Before continuing.

"You have about..Seven people in your family,Correct?"He asked,Pretty confident he was correct.

The two children nodded slowly.They didn't know if they could trust him or not.

Giyuu and the eldest Kamado siblings talked for a bit,The Kamado siblings still didn't trust him,So Giyuu did his best to earn their trust.

As they talked,Hanako woke up.

"Nii-chan?"The young girl with shoulder length hair yawned,Rubbing her eye.

Giyuu and The siblings turned to the girl,Tanjiro rushing to her to give her a hug,he ran fast enough so the wings weren't visible to Giyuu,yet.

Tanjiro hugged his younger sister."Yes,Nii-Chan is right here,Hanako."

Tears started to form in the girls eyes,And she hugged back,Tightly.

"Im sorry Nii-Chan! I-I-I didn't help you when you were attacked by that man!I'm sorry,I'm sorry!"Hanako sobbed as she hugged her Elder brother.

Giyuu,Who was still in the hut,Heard what she said.

'That man..?'Giyuu thought,He needed to know more information.

"It's okay Hanako,It's not your fault."Tanjiro comforted his younger sister and pat her head.

"Excuse me,Sorry to ruin the moment.But can I have some information about what happened?"Giyuu asked,Trying to sound as polite as he could.

Tanjiro and Nezuko nodded.

Tanjiro sat Hanako on the futon.

"Go rest."He gave a comforting smile to the girl.At first the girl pouted,Shaking her head no.But she eventually fell asleep into a peaceful slumber.

Tanjiro crawled back to Nezuko and sat in a comfortable position.

"So...Where do we start?"




Sorry for the short chapter,I have a lot of homework right now!I'll try my best to make the nezt chapter longer,And sorry if there are any mistakes!Thank you for reading 'The Dangerous Power the Kamado family holds'!

Word count:836

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