|8:Red snow?|

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                       "My apologies if I'm being rude but I still have some questions.If you wish not to answer I understand, but I'd appreciate if you did answer."Giyuu said firmly as his dead blue eyes look into the warm ruby eyes across him.

Tanjiro stiffened but kept a kind, fake  smile on his face.

"Okay."He softly said.

"While I was up in the mountains, I saw a trail of footprints. Around..Three sets?

Anyways  I followed the trail for a bit and saw that there were no more to be seen. It was as if you children disappeared.."Giyuu explained, he wanted-No, needed  answers.

Tanjiro continued to stay still his smile not faltering.

But deep down he was having a panic attack.

"Ah."The boy quietly hummed.

His mind was racing with different ideas to use as excuses.

"I don't think I can answer that, my head was so fuzzy that I couldn't remember a thing due to the injury. I apologise for not being of much help."He responded hoping that the Demon Slayer would end the conversation right then and there.

Nezuko glanced at the two young males as she cradled a tired Rokuta in her arms.

"Nee-chan, what are Nii-chan and the 'Demon Slayer' talking about?"Hanako asked in a curious tone as she pointed at the males.

Nezuko sighed,"I don't know Hanako, and don't point fingers, Its rude."

The younger girl pouted as she drew her fingers back to her sides.

"My apologies then."Giyuu sighed. He was hoping that he'd get and answer but it seems that he'd have to ask the boys siblings instead.

Tanjiro relaxed his body before he quickly exclaimed with a cheerful smile, "Ah No worries!It should be me apologising!"

The two young males continued to apologise back and forth for a bit before they were interrupted by muffled voices coming from out the hut.

"Shigeru slow down!"

"Onii-chan Onii-chan!"

Hanako ran past the two males and threw the door open.

"Kaa-san!"She cried as she ran towards her mother before jumping on to hug the woman.

Two young boys entered the hut carrying many supplies such as blankets and food.

Nezuko laid a sleeping Rokuta on the futon before she rushed over to the boys.

As the Nezuko gathered the supplies from Takeo Shigeru dropped everything he was holding and jumped onto Tanjiro.


Tanjiro hugged his younger brother with a calming smile as he pat the boys head,"It's okay."

Takeo's attention was on the strange man who stayed quiet the whole time.

"Eh?"The boy with the checkered scarf that matched Tanjiro's mumbled as he stared at the demon slayer. "Who's he?"

"Ah!That's Giyuu Tomioka, he's a Demon slayer!"Tanjiro explained as he sat Shigeru down on the futon beside Rokuta.

Giyuu silently bowed his head, "I apologise for not arriving on time to prevent your brothers injuries."

Takeo looked at the man as if he was crazy.

"What?It's not you or my brother's fault, Its that devils. So why are you apologising?" He reasoned, but added venom to his voice when he said 'That devils'.

𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖈 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now