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         "Okaasan!"Shigeru yelled after his mother refused the second time.

"Shigeru,The snow is too deep for Tanjiro to carry you and Hanako in the cart.Its already hard enough for your Nii-Chan to walk in the deep snow,We don't want to make it harder for him,Do we?"His mother,Kie,Said to the stubborn boy.Shigeru pouted before going back to the small house.

Tanjiro smiled watching Shigeru walk back into the house as he went up to his mother.

"Tanjiro,Try your best to come back before night falls,Okay?"His mother said with a worried face,Wiping his face from the dirt and soot with a small towel.

"Don't worry Kaasan,I'll be back before night falls."He said with a kind smile,His mother proud that she raised such a kind boy.He started walking towards the woods,But turned back once again to say his final goodbye to his family.

He waved at them with a huge grin on his face before turning back to the woods,And slowly disappearing from his family's sight as he walked into the woods.

After Tanjiro left,The family went back to the small house.Kamado Kie was currently in the kitchen,Preparing the ingredients for their dinner.

She smiled as she heard the sound of her children giggling and playing,But suddenly got a weird feeling in her gut.

She stopped what she was doing and took a few moments to listen to what her gut was telling her.Whenever Kie had a gut feeling,It was usually right.

So she listened to her gut,Which was telling her that something bad was bound to happen soon.She stopped in worry,Quickly rushing over to where her children were at.

Luckily they were still safe,But she decided to call them into the house early,Hoping that it would stop her feeling.But no,It didn't.

Kie started to worry even more,She remembered that Tanjiro was going down to the village.She knew she had no time to risk,She couldn't possibly send another one of her children down to fetch Tanjiro if she didn't know what the danger was.

She decided that they would stay at their home until Her eldest son came home,But she'd have to be extra careful with her actions.

The young woman told her children that once Tanjiro had come home that they were to leave right away.

"You will need to use your wings to fly away as fast as possible.I will carry Rokuta as I fly since he can't use his wings yet.I'm afraid I cant carry any of you since It will be too hard,So you will have to use your own wings.

You might need to use your powers but I hope that you won't.We will fly to the abandoned shelter,And you must keep quiet.

We have to flee from our home because there's a dangerous person who wished to hurt our family.I'm very sorry my dear children,This is only for you safety."Kie said to her children,with a Panicked and worried face.

Her voice trembling,While her hands were on Hanako and Takeos faces.Her eyes were forming tears,But she tried her best to hide it.

Nezuko's eyes widened.She was so shocked at what her mother had said,She knew that they were in danger.She still had Her baby brother Rokuta,Tied onto her back.

She glanced at Her younger siblings,Worried for them.But she knew that she would do anything to protect her family,Even if it cost her own life.

Takeo's eyes were also wide,He was scared.His legs were trembling,He was scared.He didn't want any of his family to die,And he surely didn't want to die either.Hanako and Shigeru didn't hide that they were scared at all.

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