
22 3 0

   'Run,Hide,Flee,Avoid,Stay away,Protect'.Was all Tanjiro could think about.

He coughed out some blood,But didn't bother to worry about it.The blood from his mouth started to go down his chin,And drop on the white snow.

He was obviously scared that he could die any second,But he'd rather die just so his family could escape,Than escape while his family is killed.

He prayed to the gods,Just begging for his family to escape and stay safe.

When he finished praying,He glanced behind him,From the tree he was hiding behind.To check if the 'man' was still there.

To Tanjiro's horror,The creature had disappeared from his spot.It had been just less than a minute,And the 'man' had already disappeared.

Tanjiro looked around,His head turning left and right,Up and down.He started to panic,Before he remembered he had a good sense of smell.

He sniffed for the 'mans' scent,And surprisingly,He couldn't smell it anywhere near him.

He sat behind the big tree,Confused.Wondering why the creature would just leave from its spot.

He decided that he'd think about it later,And tried to fly to his family,but failed miserably.

The burgundy haired boy sat up and leaned his back against the tree.

He saw that Nezuko and Takeo were already flying to his aid,While the rest of the family went to the hut by the bottom of the mountain.

He winced at the pain his fresh wound gave off,He hadn't paid much attention to it earlier so he didn't realise how bloody the wound was.

His sibling's finally reached him,They had tears in their eye's because of what they just saw.

The deep cut in Tanjiro's arm was bleeding so much that it reached the delicate white snow.His wing had also been cut,But not as deep as his arm.

He had been coughing out blood earlier,So there was blood coming down his chin.Tanjiro's eye's flickered,And he was close to fainting from blood loss and fatigue.

Nezuko held her hands out and put them to His wound,A bright yellow glow came out,Giving off a warm effect and slowly healing his wound.

Meanwhile,Takeo was trying to keep Tanjiro warm,And was also trying his best to heal him.

"Sorry Nii-chan,I tried my best to ease the pain and close the wound,But we need a doctor to heal it all the way."Nezuko said,Sniffling,And Takeo nodded.

Unfortunately,Nezuko wasn't as experienced with her healing technique,So it hardly healed Tanjiros wound.Of course,It did help ease the pain and close the wound a bit.But they need to head to a hospital or a doctor to treat Tanjiros wounds.

"Its okay,Nezuko."Tanjiro weakly said,His eyes half lidded."You did your best."

Nezuko and Takeo helped Tanjiro up,And Tanjiro winced again.They put his arms around their shoulders as they started to fly up.

Tanjiro wanted to be of help too,So he used his wings to help boost them up.

It took them around 15 minutes to reach the hut,It would've taken 30 if Tanjiro didn't help.

Once they landed on the snow,They saw their younger siblings running up to them.

Hanako and Shigeru ran to their older siblings,And jumped up to them.

The younger children sobbed as they hugged Tanjiro and Nezuko,While Takeo just stood there with sadness visible on his face.

"Nii-chan!Are you okay?!Why did that man hurt you?!"Hanako cried,Tugging on to her older brothers checkered haori.

Before Tanjiro could answer,Their Mother ran out of the small hut.

"Hanako,Shigeru we will talk about that later,We need to take him inside now!"She called as she rushed over to her children.

Tanjiro's arms went around Takeo and Nezukos arms once again,His mother was beside them as extra support.Hanako and Shigeru quickly ran into the hut to take care of the crying Rokuta.

They sat Tanjiro down on a small futon inside the hut,And looked if there was anything in the hut that had any medical items.

Everyone except for Tanjiro had hid their wings,So they could make space for everyone.

Tanjiro was getting more and more tired,And his eyesight started to slowly blur.His eyes flickered,He was just so tired that he wanted to fall asleep.

Nezuko found a small roll of bandages inside the small closet And grabbed a towel.

Their mother stripped Tanjiro from his Checkered haori,Warm turquoise  scarf,And his white robe,So she could check if there were any other wounds.

Under all of that clothing,They saw a couple of bruises,But it wasn't from the attack.It seemed to have been their for at least a few days.Kie wondered where they came from,But continued to check if there were any other wounds.

The only major wounds Tanjiro had was on his wing,arm,And neck.

Their mother focused on Tanjiros arm first,Since it needed to be healed before it gets infected.

She cleaned the wound with warm water and the towel Nezuko gave her,Once she finished cleaning the cut she put the towel beside her on the wooden floor.

She was a more experienced healer,But wasn't as good as a doctor.She held her arms against Tanjiros arm,And started to heal him.

Tanjiro's body relaxed,And the pain he was feeling was nearly gone.

After she finished healing him as much as she could,She wrapped some bandage around his arm.

Tanjiro fell asleep as His mother bandaged his wounds,Kie put a blanket over him and wished him a goodnight sleep.

While Kie was fixing Tanjiro's wounds,Takeo and Nezuko were outside,Looking for resources and keeping watch.Hanako,Shigeru,And Rokuta were in the hut with their mother,Cuddling together.

"Kaasan..What are we gonna do now..?W-who was that man?"Takeo asked,Teary eyed.He didn't care about looking strong anymore,He had to worry about whats gonna happen to his family.

Kie just looked at him with sad eyes,Not answering at all.She walked over to her son and hugged him,"I don't know Takeo.."She whispered sadly.

Takeo glanced to his elder brother whom he loves so much,He wanted to know why that man would want to hurt them.

They were just a family living in the mountains,Selling coal.Well,They did have some wings and powers..But they hid their powers from everyone!How did anyone find out?!

'We didn't even do anything terrible,We just want to live a peaceful life...'

B̶u̶t̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶u̶n̶t̶i̶l̶ ̶'h̶e̶' ̶i̶s̶ ̶d̶e̶s̶t̶r̶o̶y̶e̶d̶.̶



Sorry,I feel like the way I'm starting this fanfic sucks,So I might re write it in the future.I'm sorry if you hate how I'm writing it,I'm not experienced with writing much.But I know that my writing will become better in the future,After all,I'm still improving!

Thanks for reading!

Word count:1072

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