|5:Who is it?|

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Tanjiro woke up to a pain in his wounded arm,He almost rubbed it before Nezuko stopped him.

"Nii-San,You can't rub it or your wound will get worse."She informed him as she helped Tanjiro get up from his back.

Tanjiro sat up on the futon,Legs stretched,And got into a comfortable position.

"Ah.."He sighed,Remembering the events that happened before he fell asleep."Sorry,I forgot!"He quickly hid his sadness behind a Bright fake smile,Before looking around the small hut.

Nezuko hated how Tanjiro would pretend everything's alright,She knew her brother well enough that she almost saw right through him.

He saw that it was only Him,Nezuko,Rokuta,And Hanako inside the hut.

Hanako was with Rokuta asleep,While Nezuko (If he was correct) Seemed to be taking care his wounds.

"Wheres Takeo,Shugeru,And Kaasan..?"Tanjiro asked,As he started to sweat."A-Are they..?"

Nezuko saw Tanjiro trembling and saw the sweat sliding down his forehead.

"Nii-san,Don't say that!Of course they aren't!"Nezuko whined,She pointed to the door in front of them.

"They went out to the village for some help!We didn't want you to go since your injured.Plus,Its about time we visit the village!"She said happily but heard something behind the door.

She made a confused face,As she stared at the door for a few seconds.

'What was that?'She thought,But brushed off the thought,Hoping it was her imagination.

She turned back,Her beautiful dark pink eyes stared into Tanjiro's almost ruby like eyes.As she stared at Tanjiro,(Who was visibly confused at why she was staring at him)Her smile turned into a frown.

She hated that her older brother had been attacked by some stranger.Tanjiro was the kindest person she knew,So why would that man want to attack him?

Nezuko knew that Tanjiro was hiding something,And she wanted to know if what he was hiding was something important to why he was attacked.But she knows that he will just avoid the question,Like he always does.

She heard another sound come from outside,This time she didn't ignore it.Tanjiro also heard it,But before he could open his mouth Nezuko interrupted him.

"Nii-Chan,Take Hanako and Rokuta to the small closet,fast.I'll deal with it."She whispered,With a serious voice as she stared at the door,Anger in her eyes.

Tanjiro was gonna argue before he heard another footstep,He grabbed the sleeping Hanako and Rokuta and hid in the closet.He left the door open just a bit so he could peek at the situation.

If Nezuko was in any danger Tanjiro wouldn't hesitate to attack the person,Or creature.

  ============  Meanwhile...  ============

A young man with beautiful long black hair locked in a pony tail,Empty navy blue eyes,And a Half red,Half patterned green haori,Ran up the mountain.

His hand was resting on the sword on his hip,He was sent to slay a demon up this mountain to keep the family that lived up the mountain safe.After all,His job was to protect humans,And slay demons.

===========    Flashback  ===============

"Giyuu,theres a family of  that lives in a mountain a bit close to Sagiri mountain.A strong demon is headed there,But in you must get there before it does,And safely bring the family to a safe place."The young man with the oh-so soothing voice said with a hint of worry in his voice.

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