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And DJ could have ran more, but Rachel stopped in her tracks, leaning over to breathe. They were standing in cold, hard, icy snow, and DJ, a native Californian, was a little less than pleased. She made a face of disgust.

"I'm fucking freezing." She complained, panting a little from the running. She didn't have much time to complain, because a growling noise attracted her attention to something much more interesting than the slush; a green fucking tiger.

DJ took a sharp inhale, wondering both how and why the fuck their was a green tiger roaming around Ohio. But then she remembered that she uses her supersonic scream to fight crime with her parents who dress in leather and wield bow and arrows. So it was pretty much just a regular day of the week.

The leaves and snow crackled under the paws of the tiger, the beast circling the two teen girls. But it stopped a few feet away from them, and started twitching and cracking it's bones. Still not the weirdest thing around, DJ thought to herself, slightly referring to the fourteen-year-old beside her.

The tiger suddenly jumped behind the cover of broken off branches, and a second after it disappeared, a boy with green hair popped up in it's place, pulling a jacket over himself. DJ let out a shocked breath. "Gar?" She asked.

Gar turned around with a smile on his face.

"How... How'd you..." Rachel said, shock etched on her face.

"Don't worry. I don't bite." Gar reassured her, grinning from ear to ear.

DJ's instincts kicked back in, momentarily suspended by surprise, and she stepped in front of Rachel. "Well I do. When threatened. How the fuck did you do that? How did you know we were here?"

Gar sheepishly shuffled his feet. "Well, that first question has a long answer. And I might have followed you from the roller rink?"

DJ rolled her eyes. "Alright, pretend I never asked." She had come to the conclusion that Gar wasn't a member of the cult tracking Rachel, more of a lovesick kid following the girl he had a crush on.

Gar's smile widened. "So that's settled. Come on, I got somewhere you guys can chill."

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

After a brief break inside an old hunting shack they went into to warm up, Gar led them through more snow, which DJ hated, and made sure her companions were aware that she hated it, and took them to a huge mansion just outside of the forest. DJ, who had her fair share of mansions and manors, was surprisingly impressed with the mansion and it's architecture.

Gar led them around the side of the mansion and down to a staircase. The three hopped down the stairs, and Gar swung the door open for the two girls. DJ and Rachel slowly wandered into the dark room, and the only reason DJ wasn't fearing some psychopathic dungeon or something was because she trusted Gar. Or else this whole 'walking into a stranger's basement with the lights turned off' would have felt very alarming.

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