Intransparent Inquiries

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Taehyung found that teaching Jungkook how to farm was a lot less entertaining than teaching him how to shoot. Even his sister and little brother whined less than Jungkook did. Farming wasn't necessarily difficult, especially during the winter months with less crop to worry about. It was, however, strenuous and tedious work.

"I said eighteen inches apart...not eighty!" Taehyung yelled, flopping down on the dirt.

"Why can't you use centimeters, like a normal human being?" Jungkook grumbled, scooping out the strawberry seeds he had just planted.

"Because, it's funny when you get confused," Taehyung taunted. "Now, don't just stand there looking dumbfounded. Try again! We still have to tend to the wheat."

"There's dirt underneath my fingernails," Jungkook whined. "I'm never going to get them cleaned!"

"Congratulations. You officially have the hands of a farmer," Taehyung dryly stated.

After finishing with the initial planting, he had Jungkook help carry buckets of water from the nearby river to water the freshly planted fields. "How often do we have to do this?" Jungkook complained. "My clothes are soaking wet!"

"That's because you're sloshing your water all over the place. We have to do this once a week so I'm sure you'll get your practice in."

"A week!?" Jungkook shrieked.

"Yes. But it will be worth it. Fresh strawberries are amazing! But you have to pick them before the sun rises."

Jungkook stopped walking and yelped as a splash of cold water sloshed up and hit his chest. "Before the sun rises!? Are you crazy!? I'm not getting up that early!"

"You will if you want to eat. Now come on, help me check on the wheat."

"Can't I change first?"

Taehyung glanced over and stared at Jungkook's soaked, white shirt. His jacket hung loosely open as Taehyung's eyes wandered over the wet material that stuck to Jungkook's firm chest. "No," he decided. "Not yet."

Jungkook eyed him suspiciously before pulling his jacket close. "Pervert."


"How's teaching Jungkook-ssi how to farm going?" Seokjin asked as he helped Namjoon wash the dishes.

Taehyung groaned. "Awful! It's been a week and he still constantly complains and never wakes up on time. I'm ready to start throwing stones at his window!"

Seokjin snorted. "I suppose that is the time period we've been thrown back in." He sighed dreamily. "Yesterday it was 'Hey, wanna netflix and chill?' and today it's tossing rocks at a bedroom window."

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