Crepuscule Confessions

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Crepuscule: the hour of twilight

Crepuscule: the hour of twilight

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Taehyung sat on his back porch swing. His legs were pulled up to his chest for comfort and warmth as he swung slowly back and forth. The white snow sparkled beautifully in the sunlight, but Taehyung's eyes were too red and swollen to enjoy it.

He heard the backdoor creek open before he saw Eonjin take a seat next to him. She calmly pumped her legs back and forth while humming softly. Taehyung felt his reserve crumbling.

"You caused quite the spectacle back there," Eonjin noted.

Taehyung snorted with a lack of amusement. "Don't remind me." He pressed his face into his knees and whispered, "I screwed up, Eonjinie. I screwed up really badly."

"What do you mean?" Eonjin sarcastically began. "Accusing your new boyfriend's father of murder seems like the perfect way to say, 'Welcome to the family!'" She nudged Taehyung playfully. "That's how I was planning on wooing Terrance."

Taehyung looked up at the grey sky and laughed dryly. "How can you even joke about that like it's nothing?"

Eonjin placed a hand on her stomach and leaned back. "Believe me, it's taken time. When the blackout first happened I was on FaceTime with Terrance. He was showing me the blueprints to the home he was going to build us." She laughed airly. "Gosh. That feels like such a distant memory. Shortly after we saw that plane fall out of the sky...your plane, and I didn't understand what was going on but I became so angry. I yelled at God, told Him it wasn't fair to take you both just like that."

Taehyung leaned over and rested his head on his sister's shoulder. She looked down at him through wet lashes and smiled. "I think I've come to a place of peace with all of this. That doesn't mean I don't get sad, or angry, or scared...but I've decided to not let any of those negative emotions control my outlook on life. I would rather die tomorrow laughing today, then live a thousand years and never laugh again."

Taehyung broke into a sad smile. "Appa used to say something like that."

"He did." Eonjin placed a warm hand over his arm and squeezed reassuringly. "I learned a lot from appa, as I do you." Taehyung blinked back his tears when she added, "You remind me a lot of him."

After a moment of rocking in silence, Taehyung asked, "Do you think the right killer is behind bars?"

Eonjin shrugged. "Do you think the right killer is behind bars?"

Taehyung felt a shiver run down his spine. "I'm not so certain anymore," he admitted.

Eonjin suddenly nudged him and nodded towards their left. Taehyung looked up to see Jungkook standing by their back porch, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. Eonjin stood up and walked back inside, but not before squeezing Taehyung's shoulder in encouragement.

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