Reincarnation into a world that I know too well T^T (part 1)

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Eleonor: "...."

When I opened my eyes, in front of me was a young butler with grey-white hair like silk and a black eye-patch on his right eye that looked at me flustered.

(Who is that ? Where the hell am I ? I don't remember this place...)

I was lying on a soft and seemingly expensive bed with transparent curtains. 

(It seems like I am in someone's bedroom but whose bedroom is it ?)

Suddenly I felt that my hand was grabbed and I lifted my head. It was the butler from earlier. His face was still showing a bit of worry about me but he seemed to have regained composure.

"Eleonore-sama" he said with a subtle but gentle smile.

I then realised that he was refering to me and glanced over in a search for a mirror. I attempted to get up but my body was a little numb. The butler also tried to stop me from moving bruskly and said; "It is too early for walking. The physician said that you needed more rest."

I pondered for a moment before asking him for a mirror. He went to take it and handed it to me without asking any questions.

In it was reflected a beautiful but haughty boy with piercing golden eyes and inky black wavy shoulder-length hair. He was wearing a flimsy lilac nightdress with slight frills.

(I knew it! It was Eleonor Vi Lolanthe the villain from the otome game ''The two saintesses's love story''! I can't believe I have reincarnated into him.....seriously?)

Here are some illustrations of the butler:

Here are some illustrations of the butler:

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A fudanshi who reincarnated as a villain dreams of his butlerWhere stories live. Discover now