Thank You

881 37 12

Thank you everyone for the 1K reads. When I started this story, I was unsure whether anyone would like the concept or not. But your love has kept me going.

candy54789thisuni21sanyogitaprcAviskha_DeuriSara_imprfctScribblr,riyasharmapranbirfan,  Shraddha007PallaviEswarkumar03Psr1403,KiniShabisweetshamzJyotiYadav13Yashvi321

A special thanks to you all for continuously encouraging me through your precious comments and votes.

Also a lot of thanks to all of those who have voted for my story.

I am grateful to the silent readers who read my story.

My heartfelt apologies if I have forgotten to mention anyone.

So, I have also given an update as a token of gratitude.

And thanks a lot riyasharmapranbirfan for informing me about it.

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