Chapter 5: Welcome to Stark Industries

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Last night was probably one of the longest nights i've ever had. After tony fell asleep i sat there and stared at him. I thought about what life could of been if we met on different terms. He was a man in pain, and i, had my mission. Protecting Tony Stark, and finding Loral Stark, was my number one priority. If we failed to find her, if i failed to find her...

anyways, when morning came tony was released. Pepper had brought a new suit for him to walk out in. While tony was changing in the rest room pepper looked at me and said, "Hurt him and i'll kill you." i nodded my head, "Yes ma'am." she smiled as tony walked out then said, "it's good to have you back boss." tony smiled, "thank you Ms. Potts," steve looked at me, "lets go Steve. You can tell me more about yourself. I have a feeling we're going to be spending a lot of time together." steve smiled then went and held the door open for tony and pepper before leaving.


Tony and I walked into stark tower. TOny smiled when he saw my eyes get wide then said, "Welcome to Stark Tower." I smiled at him, "i've never been in this part of town. I grew up in brooklyn."

"oh," he motioned for me to follow him to the elevator at the opposite end of the giant room, "well perhaps i can tour you around the city later today, or tomorrow."

steve smiled as the two walked into the elevator, "are you asking me out on a date Mr. Stark?" i watched tony's cheeks get red as the elevator door shut.


"what if i am?" asked tony.

i smiled at him, "you don't need to be shy. I'll go out with you Stark."

tony got a little mad when he turned to me and said, "I'M NOT SHY!" he looked away, "i'm just out of practice." I turned him to look at me, "join the club." we laughed.

"So," he smiled at me, "what do you do for a living?"

i said, "art. i draw."


we stepped off the elevator, "i could draw you if you'd like?"

he smiled again, "thanks, but maybe some other time."

i nodded my head and watched as Tony looked at his phone. A worried face came to his face as I said, "ok, well, what would you like to do?"

tony looked around the giant room, "i miss my lab."


he looked at me, "were still under construction..." he pointed to the crane outside the northern window, "i have a home in Malibu... My lab is there..."

i said, "perhaps we can go in the next few days." tony smiled again, "ok. Thank you."

tony went and sat on the couch, "jarvis?"

the ai spoke, "welcome back sir, how may i help you?" tony motioned for me to turn join him on the couch before continuing, "Can you call for delivery?"

"the usual sir?"

tony said, "yes jarvis."

"will there be anything else?"

tony looked at me, "want anything?"

i shook my head then tony said, "no jarvis. thanks," tony stood up then walked over to the coffee table at the end of the couch and picked up a picture. I watched him look at it then got up and walked over to him when the tears started to fall again. It was hard to see the great tony stark fall.


he turned to me then tried to wipe his tears away, "this is her... this is my sister Loral."

"she's beautiful. Why dont you tell me about her."

tony stood there for a moment then said, "i cant," he set the picture down then walked away from me, "i cant," he dropped to his knees. That is when I said, "the doctor explained that you will most likely have memory loss. The men who did this to you beat you pretty badly." tony's head dropped and he continued to cry. I walked over and nelt down in front of him, "come stop your cring it will be alright," he looked up to me, "just take my hand, I'll hold you tight." I placed my arms around him and held him as he cried.

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