Chapter 1 - The Plugin

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No one's POV:
"Guys!" Y/N shouted.

"Whattt," Nick groaned, tired from just previously waking up.

"Wow, only Nick responded?" Y/N chuckled sarcastically.

Silence fell over the call, as Clay and George were unresponsive.
"CLAY! GEORGE!" Y/N yelled.

"OH MY GOD. WHAT?" Clay shouted angrily. He was obviously tired and wasn't entirely awake enough to talk to anyone currently.

"Y/N, it's so early. Why did you wake us uppp?" George whined.

"Jeez, what's up with you guys? It's not even that early." Y/N said, anger in their tone.

"Yes. It. Is." They practically all collectively stated.

"Oh wait-" Y/N faltered, "It's early in your time zone, isn't it?"

"It isn't that early where I am. It's around 11A.M. But I'm still tired because I just woke up. And obviously they are too so please just be quick so we can all go back to sleep," George complained.

"Alright well since you guys want me to make it snappy, I'll explain fast. Basically, there was a fan who sent me this plug-in they made for Minecraft. I thought it would be cool to use for a video, so I downloaded it," Y/N explained, "Do you want to play with it?" They asked.

"I guess," Clay groaned, "But we'll just test it for now to see if it's actually good for a video."

"Yeah I'll play. And I agree with what Clay said," Nick mumbled.

"Yeah I guess I'll also play it," George stated.

"Great! I'll load up the server and you guys pull it up too. Then we can load in together!" Y/N happily cheered.

Clay's (Dream) POV:
Oh god, I actually feel bad now. We were all being rude to them and they just wanted to show us something cool. I don't know about Nick and George, but I feel awful. It might be because I like Y/N, but I think I'd still feel bad regardless. I just hope I didn't h-

"CLAY!" Nick shouted.

"H-huh? What?" I questioned, "Sorry I was thinking about something. What were you saying?"

Nick sighed. "As I was saying, we're all ready to play. Can you load up the game?"

"O-oh yeah, yeah. Right," I said, being brought back into focus. I opened Minecraft just then. I was ready to test out this plug-in.

Nick's (Sapnap) POV:
Jeez Clay is taking forever. Though I really wish I hadn't been so rough with Y/N earlier. They're practically my entire world, and I just decided to shit on that world.

"Alright, I have it ready," Clay announced.

"Finally. It took you long enough," I complained. Y/N giggled at the remark.

Y/N has such a nice laugh. It's so comforting and sweet. It makes me feel so happy when they laugh.

"Ok are we ready to play?" Y/N asked.

"Yep, we're all good to go!" George beamed. George seems overly happy all of a sudden. He's acting pretty enthusiastic towards Y/N. Weird. Maybe it's just me but I don't know.

No one's POV:
Each of them quickly clicked the button to join the server and had high hopes for what was to come. They all loaded in and were immensely confused.

"Wait what?" Y/N queried, "There's nothing different about the game."

"Yeah, what the hell?" Clay asked, clearly confused.

"Umm, guys. What is that?!" George worriedly asked us. We all turned our perspectives around in game to see what George was talking about. There was a timer. Counting down from less than a minute.


"Why is there a timer?" Nick questioned.

"I don't know!" We all said in unison.


"What the hell is it counting down to?" Y/N worriedly asked. They furrowed their eyebrows in confusion as they stood.

"I'm not sure, but I don't think it'll be good," Clay reasoned. The timer kept ticking and time seemed to slow down as the seconds lessened.


"Ok ok. Well if we're unsure of what this is supposed to be, why don't we just log off?" Y/N suggested.

"Ok let's do that. We're kind of stupid though for not realizing that earlier," George laughed.

"Uhh. There's no exit button," Nick said, fear rising in his voice.


"Alright then just turn off your computers guys!" Y/N panicked.

"Mine isn't turning off!" Clay shouted. He was obviously concerned and was preparing for the worst when this count down timer went off.

"Neither is mine!" George exclaimed, his voice nervous as they waited in suspense.

"Mine either!" Y/N and Nick said, completely taken over by fear and worry now.


"THERE'S ONLY TEN SECONDS!" Clay was fully shouting now. This could've been deemed as 'overreacting' or being 'over dramatic', but the young adults were actually experiencing the perfect reaction. They should be afraid.





Everything went dark. Not just the game's screen, but also life in general for the four friends. All of them except for Y/N weren't very strong-willed so they didn't even put up a fight. They didn't even resist the urge to close their eyes. Y/N tried their best to keep their eyes open, eyes burning as they mentally begged for this to stop. This was obviously to no avail, and Y/N met the same fate as Clay, George, and Nick. Their eyes closed tightly shut as the world around them faded into nothingness. Being surrounded by an empty void, Y/N tried to scream. They tried to say anything. But no sound came out. Their ears were ringing, their heart was thumping. A massive pain in their forehead made Y/N's virtual self slip into an unconscious state as they fell deeper and deeper into the void.
Y/N's POV:
Waking up, I blinked back the feeling of sleep and readjusted myself to my new surroundings. Wait. I'M FALLING!

"Oww," I winced as I hit the ground flat on my back. Sitting up, I saw such a strange atmosphere. The entire world was block-like and I was just in the complete middle of the wilderness. There were oak tress around me and I saw a plain in the distance outside of the woods. There was also a random village. There were odd-looking pigs and sheep too. Huh. This is odd. Am I dreaming? I tried to piece everything together as I stood up. Ok so, everything looks blocky, there's a village over there, and the pigs and sheep just look like complete and utter blocks. This all looks so familiar. Like something I've seen before.


Oh shit..

I'm in Minecraft.
AHH hello!! I finished the first chapter yay! I'm not entirely sure I like it. But it's fine ahaha. There is so much dialogue but I figured I'd have to put that in the beginning to establish the atmosphere I guess. I don't even know. But if anyone is reading this, I hope you liked it! I really like writing so I might make the second chapter later at like 1am lol. Anyways, have a lovely day!

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