Chapter 8 - Sacrifices

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Y/N's POV:
"Now Y/N," He began, "I'm going to need you to answer a quick question for me."

I tried to quickly calm my nerves to look composed.
"'Kay, what's your question?" I asked coolly. He grabbed my chin and tilted my head to look more into his eyes. I kept eye contact with him, not letting myself break it, as I saw that as defeat in this huge mind-fuck game.

"Would you sacrifice your own freedom for Clay's over here?" He jabbed a thumb towards Clay's unconscious body.

"Sure. I mean I have nothing to lose right?" I asked, "I still don't even know how this game works. And, I was already stuck here before Clay so that's a dumb question."

"Hmm, alright," Nick scoffed, "I'll let him go under one condition."

"Sure. What is it?" I asked, boredom seeping into my voice as I tiredly picked at my cuticles.

"Jeez, no need to sound annoyed my lovely, I just wanted to make you a proposal."

"Go on then," I urged him.

"If you keep that attitude up and I won't give you this offer," Nick snapped.

"Fine by me. At least I'll have a friend while I'm here," I shrugged lightly. He sighed loudly, visibly annoyed at my remarks. He turned to pace back and forth across the room.

"Why do you have to be so difficult?" He shouted, "I was just going to make you a simple offer!"

"You're such an idiot! I'm being difficult because I'm here against my will! I've literally been kidnapped! I don't think any normal person would be happy about that!" I screamed.

"Oh, will you shut up already?!" Nick retorted, "You're so annoying! I've been so good to you, so kind..I haven't hurt you..or punished you at all!" He was losing it now. His sanity slowly slipped away as madness entered his eyes.

"YES YOU HAVE HURT ME! YOU MURDERED ME MULTIPLE TIMES NICK!" I yelled so loud that I wasn't sure I could even be any louder.

"I'm done with you," He stated curtly. Suspicion and fear swept over me as he started waking back over to me. "Maybe this'll shut you up," He said with a menacing grin.

Nick leaned down, grabbing my cheek in one hand and my waist in the other. He harshly placed his lips onto mine, kissing me quite passionately. I couldn't even protest though because my hands were tied. I could only move slightly in an attempt to wriggle away from him. He kept kissing me without consent before this, and it was usually to shut me up. He knew I hated it.

"Good now?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and pulling away.

"No. I still hate you. And I'm not taking your offer, now I want a friend here," I told him, turning my head to wipe my lips with my sleeve. I hoped that together Clay and I could figure out a way to get out of here. Maybe he'd keep me company too, it got quite lonesome in here, even though Nick would always bother me.

"Fine, don't take it then. You can be stuck here with 'Dream'," He mocked, gesturing towards Clay on the floor. He was obviously reading the name above his head. Mine was quite odd as well. It read out 'M/C/N'. Nick walked back into his room, shutting the door as he muttered curse words under his breath.

I felt horrible about not sacrificing my freedom for Clay, but I really wanted his company while being here. I figured sitting there, bored to death, I should just get some rest. So I shut my eyes, slowly drifting off to a peaceful sleep.
George's POV:
I woke up, surrounded by a familiar landscape. I looked around, seeing I was back at spawn.
"OH YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" I shouted, annoyed that I had failed to defy Nick so quickly. I kicked a few small rocks in frustration as I started to walk the path back to my house. I had lost my items which was bad. But I had also let Y/N down. Nick probably now had Clay too, so I'd be all on my own. I stared up at the now putrid-looking name above my head that read 'GeorgeNotFound'. I began to hate how it looked after having seen it so often. After all, it was above my head constantly. But it was as if it were taunting me, telling me I'd never escape it.

I had died so many times previous to this one. If I had to count I'd say it'd probably be around 11 or 12. I wasn't sure which one, as my memory was a bit foggy. I was never given instructions on what do whilst here, or anything of the sort. So I assumed my friends and Nick weren't given directions either. It was awful. I couldn't keep the feeling of hopelessness away. It constantly ate at me, consuming me ever so slowly. I didn't know where to go from here. I've only made a little progress, and now I don't know what's next.

I wish I could've helped Y/N though. They didn't deserve what was happening to them. I just wanted to hug them, tell them it'd be okay. We didn't get much time to speak when we were at my house before, but they seemed kind. Their personality was bubbly, and they sounded very enthusiastic about discovering new things. However, that couldn't happen now. At least not until I saved both them and Clay from Nick's grasp. I wish I hadn't let Nick talk to her. I wish Clay hadn't either.

I began to feel like this was my fault. Guilt filled my head as I tried to push my pessimistic thoughts out. It was to no avail though, as my morale was dropping at a fast rate. I continued to consider all of the negative possibilities. I'm now working alone, I have to rescue Y/N and Clay, Nick will literally kill me, and I have no items or weapons to help me. Great. This is just great. I have absolutely no way in hell of winning this battle. No chance whatsoever.
Quick A/N:
Ahh, sorry for such a short chapter and updating so little. I get busy with school work easily and I find it hard to focus on my writing here. Also, referring to the story, I'm sorry it's moving at such a slow pace. I like to just kinda go with the flow and I hope that's okay. I'm also sorry for not trying to bring a bit more interaction between Y/N and George. As I said, I'm just sort of going with the flow of the story!


Word count: 1140

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