Chapter 10 - Death

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Nick's POV:
I woke up sweating in my bed, slightly dazed and very tired. I hadn't gone to bed for a long time the past night and it was taking a toll on me. Nonetheless, I abruptly sat up and flipped on the lights, eyes hurting from the sudden change. Once my eyes adjusted, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood from the comfortable space. Opening the door of my room, I strolled out slowly, freezing where I stood when I saw Y/N and Clay sleeping in the same bed. What. The. Fuck. Why are they sleeping with him? I should've never left Y/N unrestrained like that. I figured they would've just appreciated the fact I did, not give Clay an entire death wish.

I sauntered over to the bed where they laid, peering over them as the two slept soundly. "Hm, I wonder," I paused, voice filled with malicious intent as I looked at Clay, "how much it would hurt if I just stabbed you right now." Probably a lot. But Clay was asleep, so it would be fine. At least that's what I told myself. After all, I didn't care about Clay. Only Y/N.

Swiftly grabbing a sharp blade from my room, I once more stood above the sleeping pair after taking the sword. I raised it above my head and plunged it downwards towards Clay's chest with closed eyes. Once I began to feel the warm trickle of blood ooze from the wound, I knew he was close to death. Looking back to his face, I saw his eyes were open, the life draining from them slowly. Clay looked as if he was trying to speak, but nothing came out. He was trembling and breathing at a rapid pace.

Then, just as quickly as I had stabbed him, he fizzed into white smoke, leaving nothing behind but an empty space. I had killed yet another one of my supposed friends. I did notice something small just before Clay died though. There was a bit of a twinkle in his eyes. It was easy to mistake as him crying, but no, there were no tears. His eyes had glimmered with the feeling of betrayal. It somewhat made me feel uneasy. It sort of hurt to watch as he bled out. But everything would be fine, he would respawn.

The rush of adrenaline caused me to not even notice Y/N was awake. They were crying, but I couldn't hear them. I felt deaf, and all I could see was them shaking uncontrollably from watching their friend die right before their eyes.

As I regained my sense of hearing, I could now clearly hear them sobbing and sniffling. Figuring they could use comfort, I attempted to hug them. It wasn't a shocking revelation that they didn't want my affection when they pushed me away harshly.

"What the fuck?!" Y/N shouted through sobs in an almost pleading voice, as if indirectly asking why I did it.

"You know why I had to do it Y/N," I said calmly, ignoring their cruel tone.

"Why?! Why did you do that Nick?! He's our friend for crying out loud!" They yelled, even more upset than before.

"I had to Y/N. If you hadn't let him sleep there with you, maybe he wouldn't have just been killed."

"I'm going to kill you," They muttered. "I'm going to kill you!" When Y/N repeated it the second time, it was said in an almost sing-song voice. As if they were going insane.

"I'd like to see you try."
Clay's POV:
I woke up again, this time I could remember where I was. Back at spawn. Ugh, my chest hurts. And this makes it so much worse. At least I can find George though. I glanced down at my chest where Nick had stabbed a sword through it, noticing nothing. No blood, no stained clothes. Huh, odd. I guess when you respawn, you just sort of reset yourself. Cool I guess.

Nonetheless, it was now time to find George. I knew I had to find him quickly because night was approaching at a fast pace. The sun was setting in the sky, and I realized how beautiful it was. I wish Y/N could see this. I had barely known Y/N though. It had only been, what? Two days? I wasn't even sure anymore. I hadn't been keeping track. What's the point anyways? It's not like we'd be getting out of this place any time soon.

But still, there was always hope. I mean, George taught me how to make tools and materials. So I figured I should make a sword to protect myself. After all, mobs would be coming out soon.

So I heaved myself to my feet and walked around until finding a tree. I took its resources, easily made a crafting table, crafted sticks and planks from the wood, and made a wooden sword. It wasn't much, but it would do for now. I just needed it for the night. Or until I found George.
Y/N's POV:
"Oh yeah? You'd like to see me try?" I paused, "I think you're forgetting you left me untied." I immediately stood up, grabbing Nick by the upper arm and pushing him to the floor. With ease, I swiped the sword from his grasp and proceeded to hold it at his throat. "You were saying?"

"Hm, you're better at combat than I thought, good job. I guess you never really had a chance to show me before though. I sort of just held you really tightly until you couldn't breathe. And you've been tied up every time I've hurt you, so again, no opportunity."

"Yeah, and now it's my turn to hurt you," I stated, a disturbing grin plastered on my face as I began to dig the blade into Nick's neck.

"Ah, well, I guess I deserve it. I have been quite cruel I suppose. But just so you know, I only did it to keep you safe and have you to myself. But obviously, that backfired. Although I am sorry," Nick rambled, being suffocated as he did.

"Sorry isn't going to fix our shit, Nick. I don't want to hear it. What I do want to hear though is the soft fizzing of the white smoke that you'll leave behind when I kill you." At that moment, I forcefully pushed the sword cleanly through Nick's neck, killing him with a simple swipe.
Ah, sorry it's been a bit. I've had somewhat of writer's block and I'm sorry the chapter is so short. Regardless, thank you for reading so far, and have a lovely day!


Word count: 1127

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