Chapter 5 - Others

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Y/N's POV:
We had been wandering for quite some time now, the sun was directly overhead. My gaze traced the long, winding river we had been following. I would glance back at Clay every so often. He let me lead the way the entire journey. I wasn't sure why, as I'm terrible with my sense of direction. We hadn't spoke in a while actually. But the silence was a comfortable one.

"Hey Y/N?" Clay spoke out after a bit.

"Mhm?" I turned my head to face him.

"How long have we been walking along this river?"

"Not sure. Maybe an hour or so, why?"

"I'm just bored. That's all. I kinda wanted a change of scenery," He admitted, scratching the nape of his neck.

"Oh." The silence caused tension now. I could sense it. He was uncomfortable. Or tense maybe? I wasn't sure. Oh I hope this isn't my fault. Maybe he's troubled from last night. I could've made him uneasy when we were so close. I quickly brushed the thoughts away, clearing my head of any negative things.
We traveled in silence for a bit longer until I heard a small gasp from behind me. I spun around to see Clay was motioning for me to look where he was pointing. Downwards from the hill we were atop was a medium-sized abode.

"Look there's a house over there!" He exclaimed gleefully, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Holy shit. There is!" My eyes lit up with excitement as I grabbed Clay's sleeve and dragged him to the house's front door. I had gotten there in little time. I knocked politely on the door, as I had seen there were lights on inside. Please let this be other people.

The door opened and a shorter boy appeared. "Can i help you?" He asked, sounding not too delighted about visitors. I opened my mouth to speak, but was quickly cut off by Clay.

"Are you a real person?" Clay asked, apparently skeptical of this boy's existence. Oh my god. Is he really this idiotic to ask such a question?

"What?" The boy gave him a confused look, raising one eyebrow slightly.

"Like, are you real? I know this is Minecraft, but I don't think this is the real world," He put a hand on his chin, as if he was pondering life itself.

The boy's eyes lit up. He did a small happy dance and ushered us inside.
"Nick there's more people!" He shouted excitedly into another room.

"WHAT? THERE ARE?" I assumed the person who yelled back was Nick. He was awfully loud as well, much louder than the boy in front of us at least.

Another boy, whom I'd guessed was Nick, walked into the room. He stared at Clay and I. This was for too long, may I add. Or maybe it had just been me he was staring at.

"U-um so who are you guys?" The previous boy asked us. He had brown hair, amber eyes that sparkled in the warm light of the room, differently colored blue clothing, and white glasses atop his head.

I did the talking this time. "Well I'm Y/N! And this guy over here is Clay!" I announced, elbowing Clay in the side. He winced and I gave him a look that said 'oops'.

"Well nice to meet you guys! I'm George," The brown-haired boy told, "and this is Nick."

"Hi," Nick waved, "It's also great to meet you."

"Yes, definitely! Lovely to meet you both," I grin, "And I'm sure Clay also agrees. I nudge him slightly, he seemed to be off in his own world of thoughts.

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