Chapter 4 - Learning

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George's POV:
"Unghhh," I whined groggily as I sat up. I had been laying down on the floor that night. Glancing around, I saw the boy that I had rescued the previous night was still asleep on the bed. I wish I could've had the bed. But he needed it. Pushing myself off the floor, I stood up. I casually wandered over to the furnace I had on the other side of the room. It had been cooking some food last night and was now finished.

"Glad it's done cooking. I'm starving," I announced aloud to no one in particular.

"H-huh?" I heard a voice call out from behind. I turned to see the boy was awake.

"Oh good, you're awake! Would've been sad if you died," I stated cheerily.

"Ahh," he winced in pain, clutching his shoulder and thigh, "Where am I?"

"Sorry you're in pain, at least from what I could tell. But you're in my humble abode!" I explained, throwing my arms in the air, as if to say 'ta-da'.

"I'm at your house? Who even are you? 'GeorgeNotFound'?" The boy asked, clearly reading the username above my head.

"Yes you are at my house, and I'm George! My username in-game is GeorgeNotFound, to answer your questions, haha," I replied with a chuckle.

"Well, uh, ok I guess. My name is Nick," he stuck out his hand, implying he wanted a handshake. I shook his hand.

"I like your username," I said with a giggle, "'Sapnap'." His name sounded so stupid, yet so hilarious at the same time.

"Hey! Don't make fun of my name!" He yelled. But he started coughing, and tried to calm down.

"Oh my god, are you ok?" I asked him, my voice laced with concern.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just a little out of breath. But if you don't mind me asking, could you please tell my what happened to me? Oh, and also what we're doing here? Like in Minecraft," Nick asked, visibly puzzled.

"Ok, ok. To answer your first question, you were shot by a skeleton twice and I had to pull the arrows out of you while you were unconscious. Then, your second question can't be answered," I told him.

"Well the first part sounds accurate. Thank you for saving my life by the way. But why can't my other question be answered?" Nick asked.

"Well, because I don't know either," I put it simply.

"You don't know what we're doing here in Minecraft?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Not a single clue," I said.

"Then how do you know so much? Like, how did you know how to build this? How did you know how to kill the skeleton? And shouldn't I be dead? Can I die here?" So many questions were just asked.

"Jeez! Slow down there. You sure do ask a lot of questions," I responded.

"Please just answer them, I'm so confused," He admitted.

"Alright then, here we go. I know so much because I'm quite a fast learner. I don't fool around. Once I figured out where I was, I went from there. Knowing how to build this has the same answer, and so does knowing how to kill the skeleton. It's a common mob, they come out at night. Mob meaning monster," I told him, my explanation rambling on for far too long.

"But you didn't answer all of them," Nick said, still looking ignorant as ever.

I paused. "..Well..u-um," I stuttered, rubbing the back of my neck, "You didn't die because you still had enough hearts. I believe you were on one heart though, based on how you reacted to the arrows. One heart out of ten. And yes, you can die here. I've experienced it myself. But you just respawn, so it's fine."

"Oh, well I didn't expect that. I really don't want to die," He said, worry shown within his deep blue eyes.
Y/N's POV:
My eyes slowly opened, trying to get past the morning fatigue. I blinked back the tiredness and leaned upwards from laying on my back. Clay was still cuddling me from last night. My cheeks flushed red as I sat up. I can't believe that happened last night. It was so awkward. But on the bright side, he kept me warm all night. He really had been warm. I looked down at him, turning my head. He's so cute when he's sleeping.

I looked carefully at his features as his chest rose up and down with his steady breathing. He had such a perfect face. His abundance of freckles were dotted across his cheeks from ear to ear, his nose was sloped and defined, his eyebrows were shaped so well, I could go on forever. I started to remember what I felt yesterday when I was staring deep into his eyes. They were a brilliant emerald green and reflected the light delicately.

"Are you just going to keep staring at me or can I continue to sleep in peace?" Clay asked, a trace of sleepiness in his voice. He had one eye opened now.

"Why are you always awake every time I do something awkward?!" I asked, throwing a pillow at his face in an annoyed manor.

"HAHHH, you're funny!" He wheezed.

"Oh shut up," I teased. Silence filled the air as I tried to relax from being flustered.

"You know Y/N, I feel like I've known you my whole life," Clay started, breaking the silence.

"Actually, me too. It feels like we've already had a friendship before meeting each other just yesterday. Maybe that's why we can kinda act like this. I guess we're just comfortable around each other," I reasoned while itching my head.

"Yeah maybe. That sounds like a decent explanation. But we still don't know what we're doing here. So I think today we should go out and search for answers. They're obviously not going to find us, so we'll have to find them," He decided.

"Welp, that's good enough for me I guess. Let me just grab my shoes and we can go," I replied.

"I'll need mine too. Can you please get them when you take yours?" He asked politely.

"Yeah, sure," I told him. I went to the door and took both pairs of shoes. I walked back over to the bed and handed him his. I sat down, slipped them on, and tied them tightly.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yup!" I replied happily, prepared to go on our little adventure that lied ahead.

And with that, we set out for whatever the world before us contained. The sun rose in the peach-colored sky and I took Clay's hand in mine as I ran for the closest forest. I was glad to be moving about and exploring, it kept me going and gave me the hope and mental strength to continue.
EeEEeeE! Done with chapter 4! I'm so sososoos sorry this took so long. It was Halloween yesterday and I had friends over so I couldn't write. They slept over too and didn't leave until later today so I was a bit busier than expected. But I'm just happy that I updated! This chapter is a bit shorter than usual and I'm not too happy about that but it's okay. I didn't really know where to go with it either ahahha. I just hope you liked it to whoever may be reading this! Anyways, have a lovely day or night and goodbye for now!

Word count: 1258

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