Chapter 7 - Stuck

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George's POV:

My eyes widened with shock and fear as the realization sunk in. He has Y/N? Why does he have Y/N? Wait..there's only one other person in here that we know of. This is Nick.

"Nick?" I spoke out into the darkness, the blade still held to my throat, slowly grazing my skin.

"Yeah, of course it's me. Who else would it be?" Nick replied.

"..Why are you doing this Nick? L-Let Y/N go. D-Did you hurt t-them?" Tears started to well up in my eyes as I began to choke on my words.

"I'm doing this because I need them! Ever since I first saw them, I couldn't take my eyes off them," He answered, "Oh George..their body, the way they act..I need that George."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I mustered up the courage to say, "And you didn't answer me. Did. You. Hurt. Them?"

"No," Nick responded coldly, "And if I were you I'd keep your mouth shut. I am the one holding the sword."

I glanced down again, he was right. He was the one holding the sword against my neck. I looked back up into his eyes with a cold expression. I started to feel pain in the spot where it was being held and I looked down again. Nick was pushing the blade into my neck. Slowly.

"N-Nick, w-what are you doing?" I stammered. The moonlight was shown in my eyes as terror combined with it.

"Doing something I should've done a while ago," He replied curtly.

"Nick p-please. Don't kill m-me," I mumbled, "The pain is h-horrible, please Nick."

"Oh well it seems Y/N took it well. You're being a bit of a baby," He scoffed.

"What?" Anger rose in my voice, "I thought you said you didn't hurt them?!"

"People can lie."

"You are such a sick bastard. How do you even still have them here? They would've respawned back at where they started."

"I made them set a spawn point," Nick shrugged menacingly.

"No! Let them go Nick!" I demanded.

"No chance Georgie~" And with that he sliced the blade cleanly through my neck and decapitated me.

Nick's POV:
"Ugh, finally," I sighed, turning around and walking towards Clay's unconscious body. How pathetic. He was so easy to take out.

I picked him up underneath his arm, placing his arm over my shoulder, and started to drag him towards the waterfall. This was going to be more difficult, as he was heavier than Y/N had been.

The water wasn't deep, which was good. But nonetheless, I still had to drag him through the entire shallow lake to the waterfall. I stepped into the water after removing my shoes, not wanting to get them wet. I used one hand to hold my shoes and the other to hold one of Clay's arms. I trudged across the lake as quickly as I could and arrived at the loudly falling water. I walked underneath, getting my clothes absolutely soaked, and brought Clay underneath with me, soaking his clothes too.

Once past the waterfall, there was a familiar wall of stone that laid before my eyes. I placed my hand on a smooth metal door, and grasped the handle firmly, pulling open the door swiftly. It was a door that immediately locked once closed and could not be opened without the key. Upon arriving, I noticed Y/N was in the corner sleeping on the bed I provided for them. They look so pretty when they're sleeping. I wish I could go over there and lay down with them. Should I? I just might.

I laid Clay down on the floor, tying his hands tightly behind his back and bounding them to a vertical metal pole on the opposite side of the room from Y/N. Y/N wouldn't be able to help him since their hands were tied to the bed post, and the bed was bolted to the floor. There was a bathroom in the large room as well, which I let Y/N use. But only under my super vision since I would have to untie them. They used it quite frequently actually. Obviously I wouldn't go in the bathroom with them, I'd just wait outside the door with the restraints while they did their business. Besides, there were no windows or exits inside the bathroom that would lead to their escape.

I wouldn't be giving Clay the same treatment though. I adored Y/N. I would do anything for them. Clay just got in the way of that. So he won't be using the bathroom and I won't be untying him.

There was also another room leading off from the main one. It was my room. I had built it rather fast, and it wasn't the best, but it was decent.

After being sure both Y/N and Clay were tied down firmly, I walked off into my room and shut the door.

Clay's POV:
My eyes slowly opened, fluttering as they adjusted to the bright lights. I looked down, noticing I was on a cold, hard floor. I glanced behind me, only to see my hands were tied up. Great. I've gotten kidnapped. Well, at least it can't get any worse.

But it did.

I looked up, across from where I was sitting, only to see Y/N sleeping soundly on a bed. Why do they get a bed and I don't? Whatever. That's besides the point. At least I know they're okay. I need to wake them up.

"Y/N!" I whisper-yelled, trying to be quiet just in case anyone was listening. They shifted in the bed tiredly and turned to face me.

"..Clay?" They questioned, squinting to try to see if it was really me.

"Yeah..It's me," I sighed with a sad tone.

"Oh. Nick got you too, huh?" They asked, seemingly comfortable with their physical state right now.

"What do you mean by that? You're not surprised to see that I'm here?" I questioned, very confused.

"No I'm not surprised. He kept murmuring and mentioning how he was going to make sure no one would get in the way," They shrugged lightly.

"..Get in the way of what?"

"'Our love,'" They tried to use their fingers to air quote, failing miserably.

"Pfft, that's funny," I started to wheeze.

"A little bit," They giggled, "Why would I love him? That's a bit pathetic, haha. He literally kidnapped me and kissed me against my will. Oh! And he also hasn't shut up about 'wanting me'."

"Holy shit Y/N. You've gotta leave before something bad happens. Nick is just trouble and he won't rest until George and I have gone through it all."

"Yeah I know..I just don't really have many options here," They waved their tied wrists and pulled slightly on the restraints.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Y/N.."

"It's okay. I just wish you hadn't been dragged into this. This bullshit should only be between me and Nick," They muttered angrily.

"Hey, don't get yourself worked up about it. We'll get out of here eventually. We just need to wait it out," I said firmly, trying to reassure Y/N that we'd be okay.

At that moment Nick walked back into the room.

"Ah, Sleeping Beauty and Clay are awake. How lovely to see the both of you," He said with a smug grin plastered on his face, looking back and forth to the both of us.

"Let us go," I demanded. He chuckled.

"No chance! Why the hell would I let you guys go? Especially Y/N over here," He said pointing a finger at them.

"I swear to god if you don-" But before I could finish I was knocked out again.

Y/N's POV:
Nick shot Clay with a crossbow in the neck. The blade of the arrow appeared dull though, so it shouldn't have hurt him too bad. Nick was visibly annoyed and put a hand up to the bridge of his nose, shaking his head.

"Whatever, he doesn't need to be awake anyways," He turned to me. I gulped as he began to slowly strut towards me, glaring with malicious intent.

"Now Y/N," He began, "I'm going to need you to answer a quick question for me."
Word count: 1405

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