Chapter 11 - Freedom?

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Quick A/N:
Sorry I update like every 3-4 days (kinda). I'm lazy as shit lol, and a tad insecure of my writing but we don't talk about it. 😌👍 Anyways, THANK YOU FOR 2K READS HOLY COW! Honestly, how do you people read my crap? I have no idea, but seriously, thank you!! (Also, don't ever question the pictures I put as the headers 😀) I think I might start writing in third person as well, I kinda find the povs annoying. They just interrupt the story a bit. Also, these will just separate different povs and timeskips I guess lol:***
Hope that's alright!!
Y/N let out an uneasy breath they didn't know they were holding, abruptly slumping down the wall. They looked distraught and their eyes gleamed with pinpricks of tears, their body shuddering.

"I really just did that," Y/N hesitated before reiterating themself. "I really just did that."
Y/N found it hard to comprehend their recent actions, struggling to calm down from the adrenaline high. It didn't feel odd though. Using self defense just then felt normal, like they had used it before. But Y/N killed someone. Whether it was in a game with real death -much like this situation- or not, murder was unforgivable.

However, Y/N did feel a small pang of triumph and pride. They had finally won back their freedom. There was only a slight problem though.

Y/N didn't have the key for the door.
* * *
It was now night. The sky was darkened, with few stars, the moon barely shining through the thick clouds, making it hard to even see a foot in front of you. Clay walked a dangerous path, stepping over fallen trees through a heavily wooded area. He wasn't entirely sure where he was or where he was going, but he had no other options.

With the large tree branches overhead thickening at a rapid pace, Clay found it harder and harder with each step to see. He figured he would soon either have to stay put, or continue and risk running into mobs and getting injured. Or worse, killed.

But, Clay did notice one thing. A small light could be made out through the dense brush.


Alas, it was too good to be true. From behind him, a single noise could be heard. It was faint at first, Clay only realizing once it was too late. Turning around sharply, it pounced on him before he could even lift his sword.

A spider, as large as himself, was writhing and attached to Clay on top of him. He squirmed beneath the beast, but not before it could sink its venomous fangs into Clay's upper torso. Much like a regular spider, as Clay faded into unconsciousness from the poison, he was being wrapped into a tight cocoon by the hideous monster. (A/N: yes we're realistic here, as you could probably tell. It sounded cool, don't come for me) As Clay drifted in and out of consciousness, the venom seeping deep into his veins, he could only manage to make out eight huge, red eyes. He wondered if he'd ever see the light of day again as the webbing was wrapped over his face. And with that, his vision blurred and his eyes shut, pulling him into a deep sleep.
* * *
Y/N was now panicking. It never bothered them before, the fact that they were trapped in the home that is. But since no one was with them now, it became harder and harder to deal with. Yes, Y/N did have a bathroom, a small amount of food, and was able to maintain their own physical health. However, the thought that they might never get outside the wretched prison tore them apart. At least when Nick had been there, there was a way out. There was a key. But now, there was nothing. No way out, no way to obtain freedom.

Pacing back and forth, Y/N began to skim over ideas in their head on how to leave. The lines seemed to blur between leaving their prison and leaving this world though. After all, they actually had never been told why they were here. No sense of direction was given. And with all of the recent chaos happening, everyone seemed to forget that they were in a game. So while pondering an escape from Nick's home, Y/N also attempted to remember anything that could help them and their friends leave this hellhole.

They were evidently unsuccessful at first, not even being able to remember a last name. But the more they thought about it, the more the concepts were on the top of their tongue. A last name, a city name, friends' names, personality, life in general. It all felt as if the information was within arm's reach, just sat right in front of Y/N's face, taunting them. As if to say, 'You're not trying hard enough.'

Y/N kept reaching, trying to grasp anything and everything all at once, before they burst. A sudden oncoming headache practically ignited their head, sending them into a sharp, painful experience.

"Ah, fuck!" Y/N's hand shot upwards to their forehead, applying pressure as they felt the worst headache possible. The pain was unbearable as tears began to form in Y/N's eyes again.

They remembered.

* * *
"Shit!" Nick yelled out, frustrated as he kicked a small rock. He had just respawned, a horrible ache in his neck being present as well. "How am I supposed to get back now with nothing? It's night!" He whined, too tired to move.

The only thing giving him hope was the fact he'd learned quite a bit after kidnapping Y/N and leaving George and Clay. He had stumbled upon a populated village while out for resources one afternoon, had seen it come into view. Figuring he should check it out, he did. Nick had gone into the village ignorant, and come out knowledgeable. It seemed as though to leave  wherever 'this' was, he had to supposedly beat the game. Whatever that meant. It was helpful though that he now knew about places like the Nether and the End, or even how to acquire items like diamonds, blaze rods, or ender pearls. He had been thankful, and decided that if he ever had to venture off on his own, he'd try to beat the game.

So now wandering aimlessly, alone at night, Nick thought he could take this time to go mining and obtain diamonds in preparation of going to the Nether. His plan was simple as well. When he respawned, he realized the key to the door of his prison for Y/N was still in his pocket, which was perfect. He would go get diamonds and prepare for the Nether, then return to Y/N in hopes they were still there, and if so, the two would continue to make progress together, leaving Clay and George in oblivion.

His plan was gold. Then he'd be able to leave with Y/N, forgetting Clay and George even existed. However, the villagers had mentioned another small detail. At the time, Nick hadn't been paying much attention, so it hadn't seemed all that important. But remembering it now, it utmost definitely was.

The villagers had told him in the odd words, that, "Though the journey appears easygoing and simple, that is not the case. Yes, you do have to complete the game to leave. That much is true. Yet there is but another task you must do. You must obtain the thing you desire most of all. Whether it be an object, fantasy, person, the list goes on. You will have to do that or an exit is as good as gone." That was what Nick was told. Or at least the speech was along the lines of it.

It didn't matter though. The only thing that did matter was his plan. Clearly, the thing -or person in this case- Nick had most desired was Y/N. So as long as Y/N could even do so much as agree to leave with him, that would be enough. It was sort of like a two for one deal. He would get the person he'd wanted and be able to use them to escape as well. How convenient.
A/N againnn: I need to write longer chapters, smh. I'll make the next one longer, hopefully not taking me 20 million days like usual🙄✋


Word count: 1417

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