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13 in a beanie.

Chibnall make it happen

Hey hey!

Today (28/10/2020) marks two years since Arachnids In The UK, meaning it's the two year anniversary since Ryan, Graham and Yaz started officially traveling with the Doctor. So, I thought, this is a good opportunity to write a fanfic. It's not good, but it's something. Hope you like it :) - cornflakecat


She had looked everywhere.

Well, not really everywhere. Everywhere that her fam would normally go.

The Doctor ticked off the places that she had looked on the list that she had written in her head. Library, check. Bedrooms, check. Kitchen, check. They couldn't be in the console room because that's where she had started off. Unless they were looking for her as well and they had simply missed each other in the TARDIS's never ending passageways. Or maybe they were trying to avoid her...


Her thoughts were interrupted when she collided with a wall that definitely hadn't been there before.

"What are you playing at?!" she asks, looking towards the ceiling. "I'm just trying to find my friends! Why wont you take me to them? Please. Have I done something to upset them? Are they cross with me? Please, old girl, come on."

The TARDIS gives a small whirr and a corridor appears to her left, the soft orange light cast across the wall implying that it lead to the console room.

"I've already been there." she mutters, but walks down the corridor anyway. It would be a good excuse to get a custard cream, anyway.

Then, as the Doctor turned the corner into the room,-


The Doctor gives a small shriek and immediately holds up her sonic to the possible threat, but instead is greeted by Ryan, Graham and Yaz holding empty party poppers and grinning at her.

"Surprise!" they laugh, as the Doctor lowers her sonic.

"Wh- what's going on?"

"It's two years, y'know, since we started traveling in the TARDIS." Yaz explains with a smile.

"We thought it was worth celebrating." adds Graham.

"And we thought we'd get you something to say thanks." says Ryan, looking over at Yaz, who the Doctor had only just noticed had one of her hands behind her back. The Doctor gives them a slightly skeptical look; she had been slightly wary of presents since the whole raising-the-dead-but-turning-them-all-into-cybermen, which had caused a lot of trouble. "Go on then, close your eyes."

The Doctor hesitantly closes her eyes and feels something soft being put into them.

"You can open them now." She could almost hear how much Yaz was grinning from the tone of her voice. When she opens them she finds herself looking at a rainbow striped beanie. She looked up at her friends, her eyes wide and grinning, before pulling the three of them into a group hug.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyousomuch!" the Doctor practically squeals.

"Glad you like it." says Graham.

"I love it! It's amazing. Now, who wants a celebratory custard cream?"

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