Chapter 9: Worried About Me Are You?

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The next day at school was absolute torture thanks to Louis, against my pleading he decided to post the video of him tickling me on social media! The whole school pretty much follows him, and I wouldn't have minded the video much if I didn't have people coming up to me and calling me a pig because I snort like one when laughing.

I swear, when I get a hand on Louis.. its over for his ass.

And apparently all the boys at this god forsaken school got horny off a girl in her pajamas trying to brush her teeth, why did I come to London again? My whole day was terrible but thankfully Via managed to make all the nasty comments a bit less bothersome.

I sat outside the school steps admiring the beautiful scenery. The trees rustled as more leaves fell from them, the wind was brisk and rough, but frankly I didn't mind it at all.

Once Via finally joined me, we dug in to our meals. I had made myself a yummy PB & J, the bread crusts cut off of course. Via was eating a full course meal it appeared, a green apple, salad with a side of dressing, fries or chips as she likes to call it, and soup. It was a weird combination to say the very least.

Lunch was quick and quiet, we didn't talk much while eating because we are both foodies, I respected that side of her, I wasn't one to talk and eat either. After lunch we made our way back inside and I went to Biology, ugh. Louis had managed yet again to take something I loved and ruin it with his presence.

Though Louis and I had been partnered up to disect a very strange looking toad, I did my best to avoid him and left all his questions unanswered. I wasn't going to let him distract me again, after a while he stopped trying to make conversation.

Took him long enough to understand that I was mad at him, I thought it was quite visible with the seething glare I shot him every time he attempted a snarky remark in my direction.

I rushed out of school so I could make my way home, not relying on Louis for transportation. I doubt he minded, his time could be taken up by much better things than a car ride with me. So I took the train, they call it the tube here and though I love that word I keep forgetting to call it one because it's against my nature.

I listened to London Boy by Taylor Swift while gripping a steel pole that ran from the top of the tube to the bottom. My AirPods were hidden by the ginger hair I so greatly possessed, one of my most luscious features if you ask me.

I felt a little tug on the skirt portion of my uniform, but chose to ignore it since it was probably a stranger passing by or lounging on the bench of the tube.

After I felt the tug once more I became annoyed and turned to look at the direction it was coming from, an old man with a gray beard and a black beanie looked at me, startled.

HE WAS PEEKING IN MY SKIRT AND NO ONE EVEN SAID ANYTHING? All of these strangers saw what he was doing and said nothing, maybe London's residents weren't nearly as good as the city itself.


Once I got home I collapsed onto my bed for a few minutes, scrolling through my phone. I had gotten a few texts from Louis and though I wanted to ignore them, I decided to check because he had never bothered to text me at all until now.


Louis 🙄

Louis 🙄
lila where are u oh my god i'm waiting for ur pig ass
delivered 2:15 pm

Louis 🙄
lila hello?
delivered 2:20 pm

Louis 🙄
lila if u got home another way, at least lmk
so i don't waste my precious time
delivered 2:22 pm

Louis 🙄
lila literally wtf are u alive hello??????
i don't care either way xx
delivered 2:23 pm

Louis 🙄
not that i'm worried or anything
but if u don't tell me
where u are then my parents are going to get VERY angry at me for losing you!!!!
so answer u absolute idiot
delivered 2:25 pm

Louis 🙄
ugh fuck you then???
if u died it's not my fault
i'm omw home w/o u so..
ur probably dead damn
if ur seeing this from beyond the grave
please tell ur parents not to sue us?
thanks luv xx
delivered 2:45 pm

pig 🐷
oops lol
worried abt me are you?
i'm at home mf i took the damn train, chill
u wish i was dead lmfao fuck u 💋
read 3:05 pm

zee speaks !
hi so i'm v proud of this chapter hehe i finally did a social media related chapter ! even tho it was just text messages i really like it so i MAY do that in the future! but this was kinda just a filler! i probs won't update again today but even idk my schedule ! hope u like !!

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