Chapter 21: #broken 😜

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I stood there waiting for a response of some sort, but Dory just murmured something, half asleep.

Max tried to wake her up, while glaring back at me. He didn't feel guilty at all, almost like he was glad I caught them both.

I felt disgusted, how could my best friend do this to me? I've known her since 6th grade and it scares me to think how easy it was for her to betray me like this.

A year ago, Max crushed my soul to pieces. I cried for months over him, it's still hard for me to get close to people even now.

I missed the feeling of being in love, wanting to spend every minute with someone, always wanting to be close to them.

Observing their every movement, the little things they did, and feel butterflies in your stomach when hearing them laugh.

Being, completely, and utterly consumed with another person fascinated me. I wasn't sure if I had healed enough to dedicate myself so much to another person again.

Max had damaged my way to love, and Dory knew this.

"I'm out of here. Have fun snogging him you whore."

Dory stood up from the bed, her clothes barely on. And she crossed her arms over her chest while they both flared at me.

"I can see London has changed you." She spoke, judgingly. She was one to talk.

I scoffed and stormed out of the room, I quickly said goodbye to Mina. She was only slightly awake, and completely unaware of what was going on.

I slipped my shoes on and left, in a rush. My head aches and I felt sweaty almost.

Yanking my jacket off I ran to my mothers house. I had only come for the week anyways, and I would spend as much time with her as possible.

Waking her up, she hugged me tightly. Petting my hair, a concerned look painted on her face.

After the long and mentally draining day I had, mom and I sat down with some coffee and talked. We talked for hours as if I was a cousin visiting from far away.

I updated her on everything that happened while I was gone and she did the same, things finally felt somewhat normal again.

I did my best to keep the thought of Dory and Max far from my brain, but the image of them together wouldn't leave my conscience.

I sat in bed that night and journaled my thoughts down. And that's when I heard a DING from my phone. Whoever could it be? Millie?

Louis 🥲

Louis 😢
hey um
how's california?

Lila ⁉️
it's ok lol i found my ex-bf and my best friend snogging when
i went to surprise them LMFAO
#broken 😜

Louis 😢
oh i'm sorry.
that sucks

Lila ⁉️
yeah it "sucks"
why tf are u even texting me lol

Louis 😢
just wanted to make sure
u made it there safely cuz
u never texted anyone saying
u landed so

Lila ⁉️
yea well unfortunately i'm alive
lol XD 🥲

Louis 🥲
um 😶
ok well
i'm gonna go..

Lila ⁉️

zee speaks!!
ok so i wrote this friday night um and hopefully future zee uploaded it on sat lol but i will not be uploading on sunday !! and yeah 👍😁 bye this is mainly a filler

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