Chapter 12: xx ebola holmies 💋

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"Louis what the fuck are you doing in here?? Get out!" I shouted at him, pointing to the door. He looked almost, concerned. The last thing I needed was unwanted pity, especially from him.

"Lila, you were literally screaming in your sleep?! I had to come in here a-and get you to shut up!"
He stuttered mid-sentence, almost like he was unsure of his answer.

"I don't care what reason you had! Just get out, this is my personal space. I can take care of myself dumbass." Honestly I was quite taken aback by him caring enough to come into my room, but I knew he must've had another reason for watching me sleep. What a weirdo.

"Ok.. whatever." He mumbled something after that I couldn't quite catch, before shrugging and leaving my room.

I sighed. When was it going to get easier, no one was there for me emotionally and physically. And I was tired, my heart needed a rest. Sometimes I wish I could just press a button and desolve into a void of quiet nothingness where I'm falling to the bottom of the sea.

Not struggling to breathe, just falling slowly and peacefully. Everything around me silent, not a creature in sight. The calmness of the water pushing me slightly and slowly, like a massage. Complete silence, and utter bliss.

If I could press a button and experience that every time I needed a break from reality, I'd press it so fast you'd think my life depended on it. Which to be honest, it kind of did.

Louis, Pain in the Ass 😤
Pain in the Ass 😤

Pain in the Ass 😤
hey u up idiot ?
seen 4:43 am

sad pig 🐷
nope i'm asleep to u
but if someone else asks
i'm wide awake 😁
seen 4:45 am

Pain in the Ass 😤
ok well
i was thinking
do u want to
seen 4:46 am

sad pig 🐷
omg let's go bungee jumping
but without
the bungee cords 😝
seen 4:48 am

Pain in the Ass 😤
as i was saying
before u so rudely
interrupted me..
we can go sit on the roof?
if u want
idc either way obviously
ur company isn't
exactly the best thing ever
seen 5:00 am

sad pig 🐷
damn boy
ur desperate as hell
i can feel it through the mf screen
try to hide it better next time
xx ebola holmies💋
seen 5:12 am

Pain in the Ass 😤
forget i asked
seen 5:13 am

sad pig 🐷
i'm gonna stay awake
and ponder my existence
have fun whore xx 💋
seen 5:15 am

zee speaks !
ok so i know this was also v short but i didn't know what to do HELP
and i also already updated today
but i might update AGAIN cuz i'm bored out of my damn mind. also if u couldn't tell from the past 100 depressing chapters, i am BROKEN LMFAO 🤪 also did u catch how louis started responding faster and faster??? this is abt to get good hehe 😉
hope u liked pls leave me comments and suggestions !!

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