Chapter 24: Like A Cold In The Middle Of July

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(3rd Person POV)

Days went by and Louis and Lila became the best of friends, for Lila he was her only companion. Of course Louis still had Sam and Matthew, but he found himself spending more and more time with the girl instead.

Sometimes they'd go skating together and she'd yell his name when he jokingly let go of her arms. They'd go to the nearby cafe that Lila told him about, almost every day.

The waitresses knew their orders, and the two would always sit at the table by the window and watch the bustling streets of London while doing homework.

Every now and then Lila would catch Louis staring at her, as soon as she would look up from her computer he'd start whistling and pretend his gaze was upon the window the whole time. They both knew it was not, but it was funny to carry on the same charade.

They became partners in Biology again, after much refusal from their teacher who was fed up with the two enough already. Sometimes they'd stay up late studying in each other's rooms, or play among us and make fun of each other when they were killed.

The laughter that had disappeared from Lila for what seemed like forever, slowly returned the more she kept him near. The days became easier, the crying almost stopped completely, and she was content.

Lila never did get over what Dory did, Dory made no effort to reach out to her or apologize so she did what she was practically forced to do by Louis, Block her on everything.


"Come on Lila, just do it. You don't even talk anymore!" Said Louis, peeking over the shoulder of Lila as she hovered her finger over the block button on Dory's contact. She had been meaning to do this for a while but was reluctant to officially end one of her oldest friendships.

"But.. But what if she apologizes?! What if she apologizes and I never see the message!?" At this point it was just excuses.

"Lila it's been almost a month since you caught her with Max, if she really wanted to apologize or reach out to you in any way, she would have already. Now stop doubting yourself and just do it!"

Looking back at him, Lila grinded her teeth together and chewed on her fingernails, still contemplating it.

Louis yanked her finger from her mouth and held onto it, "Lila. Stop fretting over her, just do it. You won't regret it I promise."

And at that, she pressed the button. Her and Dory were officially done.


Mina and her were still friends of course, they never spoke about Dory. It was like they made a silent agreement to avoid that topic of conversation completely.

Louis, Millie, and Lila made it routine to spend every Friday night watching a movie. The genre was always different, Lila always wanted to watch something sad or romantic, there was no in between.

Louis would become frustrated at this because all he wanted to watch was scary stuff. Millie of course wanted to watch Emma Chamberlain on Youtube because she was, quote on quote 'inspiring and trendy'.


The three of them formed an unbreakable bond, almost like real siblings which, to be fair Millie and Louis were but Lila was grateful to feel apart of that too. She was an only child after all, and though she loved the attention, having sorta-siblings was just so much better than none at all.

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