.The Beginning.

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.Chapter One : The Beginning : Year 1.

Chapter One : The Beginning : Year 1

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How horrible is it to find yourself alone on your birthday? You might wake up in the morning and find that your parents have left for the day and won't be able to drop you off at the train station for your first day of your new school. You might see the cake on the table in the kitchen that has candles lit by magic so the wax doesn't get on the cake. You might have to travel to a friend's house by yourself, and though they accept you with open arms, you're dreading what is to come, for though they may be friends, the age difference is quite distinct. And through all of this, it is your birthday, but you find yourself completely and utterly alone.

Aria knew this feeling to the highest degree, because, on the first of September, this was exactly how her day went. However, this wasn't so difficult of a birthday because, though it didn't start out with the best of events, it still turned out to be one of Aria's favorite birthdays that she would have in the years to come.

However, the start was still terrible.

This year was Aria's first year of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She had been excited to go to this school for years, ever since she was nine years old, and especially since Fred and George Weasley had gone the year prior and come back to tell her of their marvelous adventures. She had wished to see her parents one last time before she had gone off to school for many months, likely not to see them again till the winter holidays, but, like always, they had to leave early to be at work just before Aria had awoken. It wasn't as though Aria disliked traveling with the Weasleys, she just was disappointed her parents couldn't be there with her. This year, especially, would be quite nerve-wracking. After living in America for her entire life, in this new place, she had no friends (no friends that were wizards, that is) other than the Weasleys. She loved them with all her heart, and she knew they loved her, but, traveling on the train, she wanted to respect their boundaries and didn't want to seem like an annoying younger sister.

Fred and George had their friends, always the pranksters, and quite popular, and Charlie was captain of the Quidditch team, with tons of friends and his new year starting out as the Head Boy. Of course they wouldn't have time for her, no matter how many times they promised she could sit with them if needed. They were telling her the truth, and she knew that, but she still felt like such a bother. That was why, on her twelfth birthday, Aria Rivers sat in a compartment, completely alone.

There was a book open on Aria's lap. It was one that she had read so many times that the pages were starting to wear thin. It was her favorite book, one that she never left when she went places. It was a Muggle book, full of adventure and drama, one that was quite closely related to the Wizarding world, dealing with magic and things of the liking, but very much different. Aria remembered Anthony reading it to her when she was younger, and she could never give up the tales within the pages. Sometimes, in her hardest of times, she would let the story take her to wondrous places. This time, though a happy occasion, was quite a hard time for her.

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