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continuing on from last chapter.

the girl that he said he loved was there laying in a pool of her own red blood.

kairi didn't know what to do. he was shocked, upset, angry on why she did this.

kairi ran towards imogene and sat down beside her not caring if any of her blood went onto him and put her head on his lap.

"s-stay with me i-imogene." kairi whimpered as he grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed 9-1-1. he didn't have her parents number so he didn't know who to call. he couldn't call his friends because they were over in new jersey. it was just him and her.

kairi kept shaking. tears poured out of his eyes like vomit as he stroked her head. she looked lifeless. her once smooth, olive skins was now paler then a ghost. her lips... her lips were a dark shade of blue like all the oxygen had been sucked out of her.

the sound of the ambulance calls were heard and kairi pricked his head up.

"t-they're h-here now imogene. y-you're going to be just fine," the stroked face reassuring her but she couldn't hear. she couldn't hear anything.

kairi was standing outside the hospital room as he watched the nurses and doctors try and stop the bleeding and press down on her stomach to get the pills out.

tears rolled down his cheeks as he just watched. there was nothing he could do but watch.

"kairi!" someone yelled. kairi shot his head up and saw his three best friends.

he'd called them as he was in the ambulance and luckily they were able to get a flight down to canada fast.

"h-how is she?" alyssa cries as she engulfs kairi in a massive hug and rubs his back. the boy didn't respond. he just looked down at the floor.

"she's going to be okay, kai." alejandro softly said and rubbed his back.

"she's a fighter." mattia adds as a tear fell from his eye.

"i just wish i - i got there earlier.." kairi sobs into alyssa's shoulder. "it's all my fault."

alyssa shakes her head. "no kairi. no it's not."

"yes it is," he nods. "she obviously wasn't happy.."

"is there anyone we can ring?" alejandro asks.

kairi goes to shake his head but stops and pulls out of the hug and then quickly nods. "katie. that's her best friend. do you guys have her number?"

mattia pulls out his phone and begins to ring her. "i do."

after a while he finally said goodbye and put his phone away.

"she said that she's her way and and that she needs to tell us something important." mattia tells the three.

"what about her parents?" alyssa raises a eyebrow.

"i don't have their number.."

"hi.." katie shyly and guiltily said.

"katie! hi." kairi quickly said and pulled her in for a hug.

if kairi has hugged her before this situation then she'd be over the moon but in this case she's not. she pulls away from the hug and takes a seat in the waiting room.

"i-i need to tell ya'll something.."

"okay," kairi nods and sits next to us. "tell us."

katie told them. she told them everything. she told them about the bullying. she told them about the faking to b ever best friend only to get closer to kairi. she told them about the death threats she'd told imogene. she told them everything.

kairi felt sick to his stomach by the time she'd finished. he had already moved away from her as she told them.

everyone was silent. they didn't know what to say.

"leave." kairi sternly said without looking at katie.

katie nodded and stood up. "i never want to see your bitch of a face again." he mumbled as he watched her leave.

"i hate her." alyssa said and sat down . "i fucking hate her." she finished as she clenched her fists together.

"we all do." mattia huffed and wipes another tear away.

"she's going to hell."

damn.. couple more chapters to go. you're almost there.

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