Chapter 3: Friendly Advice

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I spent the weekend with the cast, watching movies and running around downtown Vancouver. The boys somehow always found a way to get us kicked out of local shops, probably the result of them goofing around and accidentally breaking something.

We tried to spend as much time together as possible, since we would all be going back home after the week was over. We were finishing episode eight on Monday and then we would begin filming episode nine on Tuesday and finish up through Friday. Part of me get relieved that we were almost done filming the season, but another part of me felt nostalgic to once again leave this beautiful place and my friends.

Every time I went back home it was like I left a part of me back on set. I wasn't looking forward to the filming withdrawals I was bound to experience when I flew back home. Thankfully, Owen and Charlie said they would come visit me in about a month so I wouldn't have to be too sad about leaving.

Since my conversation with Charlie, I was feeling much better about our inevitable kissing scene. It felt good to know that Charlie understood that this was a hard situation for me and having his support helped give me the encouragement I needed to move forward.

But there was something that was still bothering me about the whole kissing scene, and that was the plain fact that I didn't know how to kiss someone. I had tried kissing the back of my hand for "practice" like the teen magazines I used to read in junior high had coached me. But despite my lack of experience, I knew that the real deal would likely be very different.

I decided to talk to Jadah to see if she had any advise on the situation. I always admired how easily she was able to attract and keep a boyfriend. Meanwhile, I was convinced that whatever internal switch that would attract boys to me was turned off or at least broken. Jadah was also no stranger to on screen kisses after scoring a teen romance movie deal that premiered last summer.

We were sitting outside our trailers on lawn chairs while our parents left to go get lunch, and the boys had left to watch a hockey game. I knew that this was the perfect opportunity for me to get Jadah to dish on all of her boy magic. After very embarrassingly explaining my situation to her, I watched as Jadah's face lit up as if I had just given her a present.

"I know exactly what you need to do!" She exclaimed and I held my finger to my lips in an effort to quiet her.

Despite us being the only two people besides the crew on set, I was worried that someone would eavesdrop on our conversation and spread news of my lack of experience to the whole cast.

"So here's what helped me for my first on screen kiss..." She whispered and I leaned in, eager to get a solution for my dilemma.

"Practice!" She said triumphantly and I shot her a quizzical look.

"How am I supposed to do that? Kissing the back of my hand is not going to translate well-" I stopped mid sentence as Jadah began laughing at me.

I shot her a piercing glare until she stopped, wiping a few tears of joy from her eyes.

"Sorry, sorry. You're just too cute! I meant with Charlie, silly!" She explained and I resisted the feeling of bile rising in my throat.

Jadah must have read the disgusted look on my face because she started laughing again.

"Come on Madison! He's your best friend. And it's not like you're going to magically find a boyfriend in the next two weeks to kiss." She declared and her comments earned another glare.

"It doesn't have to be weird! You guys are going to kiss on screen anyways, so you might as well practice before hand to make sure it doesn't look awkward!" Jadah explained herself and I hated to admit it but she was right.

I sighed, hating the whole situation.

"But would Charlie even be okay with that?" I asked more so thinking out loud than asking for an opinion.

"Well the only way to find out is to ask him!" Jadah smirked and I groaned.

Great, another hard conversation with Charlie about kissing.

As if on que, the boys returned from the hockey game. They were all talking and laughing, pushing each other around in excitement.

"How was the game?" Jadah asked them as they approached.

"It was great!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Such a good game!" Jeremy chimed in.

"That last shot-" Owen began.

"I know dude!" Charlie interrupted.

"And then when the goalie-" Jeremy started.

"Insane!" Owen said, laughing in awe.

Jadah and I just sat there watching the boys bounce off one another in conversation, clearly riled up with adrenaline after the game. They were all so adorable when they got excited. I smiled at them before my eyes fell on Charlie.

"Charlie, are you free right now? I had an idea for the chorus for our song that I wanted to run by you." I lied, needing an excuse to get him away from the others without making my intentions obvious.

Charlie's smile grew wider and he nodded.

"Awesome, yeah! I can't wait to hear it." He said enthusiastically.

We said our goodbyes to the rest of the group, Jadah giving her a thumbs up and a silent "you got this" as we walked away. Charlie made a move towards my trailer and I shook my head, knowing my dad would be back from lunch soon. I would rather die than have my dad walk into me talking to Charlie about kissing.

"Actually, can we go to your trailer? My dad will be back soon and I want the song to be a surprise when he first hears it." I explained quickly.

"Sure, okay." Charlie nodded and we walked over to his trailer.

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