Chapter 5: The Date

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We spent the next morning filming the opening scenes of episode 9 and then we had band practice for our final musical number of the series that we would perform for a live audience onset later on in the week. By the time we were done in the afternoon, I was so exhausted that once I got back to my trailer, I immediately collapsed on my purple fluffy beanbag chair.

My limbs were jelly, my body heavy with my increasing need for sleep. I took what I expected to be a short nap, but instead I found myself waking at 5:00 pm. My impending anxiety defied my body's tiredness and woke me up, reminding me that I had plans later tonight that I needed to wake for.

I shot straight up in my beanbag, nearly falling out of it as I took in my surroundings and came back to earth. My eyes struggled to focus on my clock but then I felt panic seize me as I realized that I only had an hour to get ready for my date with Charlie.

I stumbled over to my closet, searching frantically for the right thing to wear. It didn't really matter, it was just Charlie. It wasn't as if he hadn't taken me on friend dates before, as there were lots of fun things to do in Canada that Charlie wanted to share with me.

Tonight felt different however, because there was a purpose for tonight outside of just two friends enjoying each other's company. Tonight I would have my first kiss. With Charlie. I reminded myself but I quickly shook the thought out of my head.

I couldn't dwell on the fact that my best friend was about to be my first kiss or else I would likely vomit. Although, weirdness aside, if there were someone that I trusted to share this experience with it would be Charlie.

I couldn't help but be thankful to have such a great friend in my life, one that was willing to make my first kiss special. I wished that every girl could have a friend like Charlie. He was loyal, supportive, and above all passionate about making sure everyone he loves is okay.

I settled on changing into the black dress that I had worn during our perfect harmony performance and paired it with some Air Force 1 sneakers. I left my curls as they were, and I wore my favorite pair of ghost earrings that I had made myself. I did my signature eyeliner and put on some chapstick.

I looked at myself in the mirror, trying not to overthink what was about to happen. I couldn't help but be excited that I would finally have my first kiss, but then nerves started to seep into my thoughts. I had no idea what I was doing. Was there a correct moment to kiss? Am I supposed to lean in, or do I just wait for him to come to me? What do I do with my hands? Hell, what do I do with my lips?

I was beginning to spiral when a heard a knock at my trailer door. I jumped in surprise, but I recovered quickly as I grabbed my purse, throwing in the chapstick for good measure, before opening the door.

There was Charlie, clad in a button-up dress shirt and dark jeans. I could tell that he had made an unsuccessful attempt to style his 90s bob styled hair to look more modern. He smiled wide when he saw me.

"Hey, Mads! You look beautiful, as always. Love the dress." He said with a wink and I snickered.

I stepped out of the trailer, standing beside him when I suddenly felt awkward. The intention for the night felt like it was written in the air between us. There was a moment of silence before he cleared his throat and offered his arm to me.

"Shall we madam?" He offered in a poorly executed British accent.

Immediately the tension was broken and I felt a smile creep onto my face, mirroring his own.

"Lead the way, kind sir." I replied, my fake British accent equally as offensive as I curtsied before taking his arm.

We laughed as we walked to his car. Like the gentleman he was, Charlie opened the door for me as I got into his car. He drove us to an Italian restaurant, a place we often went to so he knew it was my favorite. We spent dinner talking about the day, I told Charlie about Jadah and I sneaking away while he was filming and hiding in various places on set to scare the crew. Charlie was revealing his devious plans to get back at Owen before filming ended.

Charlie and Owen were in the middle of a prank war, and both had become increasingly creative as it went on. Charlie's attack involved 500 little rubber ducks that he planned to place on every square inch of their apartment and a giant inflatable rubber duck which would be the grand finale in Owen's bedroom. I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that even after all these years, we all still maintained our child-like charm.

I pushed down the impending feeling of nostalgia at the realization that I would be moving back to Pennsylvania soon. Charlie must have noticed the shift in my mood because he reached his hand out to me, which I took with no hesitation.

"I always hate this time of filming. Having to say goodbye to everyone... I'm gonna miss you, Mads." He said, smiling softly but I could see the sadness behind his expression.

His eyes were shining with the sincerity of his words. I nodded, feeling my own eyes tear up at the thought of leaving my friends.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Charlie." I gave him a sad smile and then he perked back up.

"Hey, let's not worry about that right now. Tonight's about having fun! I'm taking you somewhere cool after this." Charlie revealed and I felt my nervous excitement about the night return.

We finished our food and I managed to pay for the meal while Charlie was in the bathroom. This was much to his dismay, and he looked like a kicked puppy when he found out.

"Maaaads, I'm supposed to pay for the meal because I'm taking you on a date..." He whined, his bottom lip puffed up in a pout.

I laughed it off, getting up from my seat and putting my purse back on.

"You're such a big baby, if you're paying for whatever we are doing after then I'm paying for dinner. I've done my share so you better hold up your end of the bargain." I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine, Fine." He admitted defeat, standing up and joining me as we left the restaurant and when I moved towards his car when he stopped me.

"Where I'm taking you is actually just a short walk down this street, follow me." He revealed as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

We talked about our fans and the Julie and the Phantoms posts we had seen that day as we ventured deeper into downtown Vancouver. I got lost in my excitement towards how the fans already loved the season 3 trailer, hopeful that this season was going to be another hit. That's when I saw it, a beautiful glass dome that was changing colors in the distance. I could see figures inside and that seemed to be gliding. 

Charlie was bouncing beside me excitedly as we approached the building. Once we reached the building Charlie jumped out in front of me.

"Welcome to Robson Square Ice Rink!" He exclaimed, fanning his hands out as if to say "ta-da".

I smiled wide for his sake but internally my stomach dropped. Despite the beauty of the building I had once again landed myself in a compromising position.

I was the world's worst ice skater.


Hey friends! I apologize for the delay, I tried to give y'all a longer update while I work on the last couple of chapters of this story. Thanks for the support and engagement, let me know what you think in the comments!


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