Chapter 6: Robson Square

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Charlie was well aware of just how bad I was at ice skating, he had learned from the time he had taken Owen, Jeremy, and I while filming our first season together. Charlie was an amazing skater as he had played hockey growing up, so he was skating circles around the three of us. After thirty minutes, Owen was starting to get the hang of it. On the other hand, Jeremy and I remained stumbling and struggling while using the ice skating walkers.

I remember Charlie had somehow convinced me to ditch the walker, and he held my hands in his as he skated backwards. I had struggled to maintain my balance as he kept going faster and faster. I was begging him to slow down but he kept encouraging me to keep going.

"Pretend I'm Luke and you're Julie. Trust me." Charlie had said, looking at me intently with a comforting smile.

Even though it had been three years since then, the memory still felt like it was just yesterday. Back when we were all new to each other, bonding over the crazy experience of starting a tv show. We never could have imagined how the show would blow up, and all of the amazing opportunities and experiences we have had because of it.

Charlie's voice brought me out of my flashback.

"I know the last time I took you ice skating, you were a little scared but I thought it would be fun to try again! Especially now that we know each other better, and I thought it would be kind of cool to like... Come full circle, ya know?" He struggled over his words, and I could tell he was worried he had disappointed me.

I pushed down my discomfort and opened myself to the opportunity of having fun despite my terrible skating skills.

"It's perfect. Let's go!" I smiled, grabbing his hand and weaving through the crowds of Vancouver to get to the booth in front of the ice rink.

Charlie chatted with the guy working the booth, paying for our wristbands and then we gave them our shoe sizes and they handed us our ice skates.

We sat on the side of the ice rink and placed our shoes in cubbies before strapping on our skates. Charlie glanced down at my skates and smiled fondly.

"You've got to wear them tighter than that, you goof. Here." He chuckled as he knelt in front of me and helped me tighten my skates properly.

I laughed it off, giving him a quick thanks as he stood up and held both of his hands out to me to help me up.

I took a deep breath, willing myself not to think and to just do. I took his hands and shakily rose to my feet.

"Have you skated since we went a couple years ago?" He asked with amusement in his eyes as I tried to mask the terror on my face.

"Yes?" I said unconvincingly and he laughed.

I went to punch his shoulder but almost slipped in the process, stumbling slightly and I was very thankful that Charlie was standing in front of me to catch me.

"Okay sure, we'll warm you back up then." He said with humor in his voice and I wanted to smack the grin off his face but I couldn't risk another fall.

He looked behind him to check if anyone was coming, and then he pushed backwards, causing me to glide forward as we entered the rink. I was thankful it wasn't a super busy night, which meant there were less human obstacles for me to run into.

"Remember to push your feet outwards, one at a time, but don't lift your feet." He coached me as he began skating backwards, just as he had many years ago, both of my hands gripping onto his for dear life.

"Okay." I said more shakily than I intended, moving my feet outwards as we slowly skated around the rink.

"Good! See, you've gotten better." He encouraged me, and his smile was contagious.

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