Chapter 9: Episode 9

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I changed out of my Julie attire and took a quick shower. Even though the hair team had tried to get all of the glitter out of my hair, I had a feeling I would be finding specs glitter on my pillows for months. I braided my wet hair into French braids on either side of my head and changed back into my sweats and t-shirt.

As if on cue, I heard a knock at my trailer door. My stomach dropped as I remembered that Charlie wanted to talk, and my worry retuned as I searched my memory for anything that could have upset him.

I opened the door to see Charlie, standing with his hands in his pockets. He was wearing a muscle tee and joggers and his wet hair has held back by a red headband. Despite his smile and looking relatively calm, I could tell that he was nervous. I knew by the way he was rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Hey, come on in!" I said as I motioned for him to enter. I went over to my purple beanbag chair and plopped down onto it. Charlie took a seat on a white fluffy stool I used as a chair for my desk when working on schoolwork. He brought the stool over so that it was right next to where I was.

"What's up Charlie?" I finally asked, realizing that he hadn't said a word yet which was very unlike him.

I was about to panic when he finally cleared his throat.

"So I was thinking... Today when we were singing together at the end of the performance, things between Luke and Julie got a bit... Intense." He said, as he shifted in his seat.

I nodded, watching him intently and trying to determine what was going on.

"Well, it made me realize that our kiss scene tomorrow will probably be more intense." He continued, and I was at a loss.

"Yeah, I know." I said, confusion all over my face as he paused to find the right words.

"But that means that the kiss will be a bit different than the one we had last night..." He explained and I tilted my head slightly.

"What do you mean different?" I asked as I took note of his bouncing leg.

"I mean- it's going to be more passionate, ya know? And I wanted to talk to you about it first so that it doesn't freak you out." He revealed and it finally made sense.

Our kiss the night before was short and sweet. After all the seasons of pent up tension, I would imagine that Julie and Luke would really go at it when they kissed. I didn't know how to "go at it" but I was sure I'd figure it out.

"So I wanted to see if you wanted to practice staging the kiss for tomorrow? Like as Julie and Luke, so that we know what to expect." He explained and I knew he was doing this more for my sake than his own.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea." I nodded, my initial fear of kissing gone, but the idea of doing it in front of the whole cast and crew still spiked my nerves.

He suddenly stood up and and I looked at him in question.

"Julie and Luke are standing when they kiss." He laughed and I rose to stand.

"Oh yeah, right." I said awkwardly.

Despite having kissed him before, the kiss we shared was simple and platonic. A kiss between Julie and Luke would be passionate and intense. I didn't know if I was ready for that.

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