One Gold String Tied Me to You

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Ship: Markhyuck

Genre: fluff

Trop: Soulmate AU

Word Count: 333
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Mark's POV

I was already of age to get my soulmate but I didn't get my string which meet that my soulmate was younger than me

You see once someone turns 21 they get a string that ties them to there soulmate

But today isn't about me

Channie my best friend is going to get his today his going to turn 21

I went to his house I promised him I'd wait with him till 12 am to be there when he sees it

I'm kinda jealous thinking about how he might gets to see his soulmate string well I don't

And I also may have developed a small attraction to him

But it's not big deal I'm sure the minute I find my soulmate the feeling will go away and I will fall madly in love with them

Haechan's POV

I was so nervous today I get to find my soulmate

But I kinda like Mark

I know it's wrong because some where out there my soulmate is waiting for me

And here I am having feelings for someone else

But I know that once I meet my soulmate I will fall in love with them

Yet a small part of me can't help but hope it's Mark

I took a deep breath it was almost 11:50 meaning Mark would arrive soon

3rd person's POV

Both boys sat talking until 11:59 they waited then the clock struck 12 both boys were blinded by a light and saw a gold string slowly form

Both boys looked at each other

Then Mark broke the silence

"So soulmate wanna go on a date"

Haechan laughed

"Yes but not a friendly one like always"

"Of course not this time"

They leaned in and shared a kiss

And both pulled away giggling

They spent the rest of the night cuddling and planing their date happy with the out come of being fainted soulmates

~The End~

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