Baby Project

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Requested by: SeCrEt_090

Ship: Renyang (yall love Renyang)

Genre: fluff

Trop: High School AU

Word Count:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3rd person's POV

Today was another boring school day for Renjun

Today was health

And they were being assigned partners for the 'baby project'

It was a project in which every one in the class was paired up and given a chick egg they have to care for till said egg hatches and the baby chick becomes three weeks

It was to test if they could properly take care of a life

Renjun at first couldn't care a less who his partner was

That was until his teacher called his name and the person he despises most is name

"Huang Renjun and.... Liu Yangyang"

Renjuns first thought was "oh fuck this"

You see Renjun hated him

So god damn much

Why well they transferred around the same time last year and while Renjun was having a hard time making friends Yangyang was finding it easy making friends hell three months in he even joined the basketball team hell half way into the year he got a girlfriend don't even get Renjun started they dated for like four months broke-up got back together for like three months then he just dumped her apparently like what the fuck

His life seemed so easy to Renjun he even had a cute ass cat (he knows this because he was in his insta recommended)

To make it worst health is the last class so as he was leaving Yangyang walked up to him

"Umm hey so the teacher gave me the egg but I'm kinda scared of what my cat might do it so do you wanna keep at your house"

"Ya sure"

"Okay so like do you maybe wanna meet up to talk about the project I'm free for like the next few days"

"That's good with me"

Renjun took out a post it note

"Just text me when you wanna meet up"

*time skip*

They were sat filling in a chart on the growth of the egg

Till Yangyang finally said what's been on his mind for a week now

"Why do you hate me"

"I don't hate you"

"That's a lie and you know it"

He put down his pencil

"Fine you really wanna know"

"That's why I fucking asked"

"Because your life seems so goddamn perfect you join schools you make great friends easily, you got a pretty girlfriend who you just broke up with for no reason, your straight I bet your family accepts that and y'all live happily, your on the basketball team as one of the best members"

Yangyang just laughed

"My life isn't perfect I made friends but I only really trust any of them other than my really close friends, my pretty girlfriend cheated on me and made it seem like I broke up with her for no reason so people started labeling me a jerk, I'm not straight I'm Pan not a single person in my family knows because I'm too scared to tell them I don't even live with them I live by myself with my cat, and I like playing basketball but the team are really fuck up"

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