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Ship: Johnten

Genre: Fluffy

Trop: childhood best friends to lovers

Word Count: 1316
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3rd person's POV

Year 1999

A small boy who was tall for his age found a similar small boy around his age also small crying hugging his knee under the slid

The boy was new but he knew that the small boy shouldn't be all alone crying so he walked up to the small boy and tapped his shoulder

"Hi I'm Johnny I'm new here and I thought you could be my first friend"

"But... I'm all alone crying why not go play with the other kids"

"They're no fun I know they were the ones that gave you the cut on you knee mama always told me to never befriend bullies"

"Oh well I'm Ten...."

"Ten that's a cool name"

"It's not my really name I gave myself that name after people bullied me for my real name being to long"

"Well I like your nickname"

"Thank you...."

The tall boy took a bandage out of his pocket and gently placed on the other boys knee

"Mama always made me carry them around because I'm clumsy but you can have that one it's one of my favorite Pokémon ones"

"Thank you again.... okay let's be friends"

Year 2005

Both boys had been best friends for a few years now

"Hey Johnny do you think it's normal for a guy to like a guy"

"Ya there is nothing wrong with love is love"

"Ya love is love"

Little did they know to each other that acceptance only made their hearts go wild for the chase to be together

Year 2011

They were going to graduate high school soon Johnny had a girlfriend well now ex two weeks ago he caught her cheating he wasn't really heartbroken they had only dated for two months it was the factor of if he was good enough

The factor that had Ten reassuring his best friend that he was not a bad boyfriend and that his ex was just a bitch

Since they were almost done with college both boys had to plain out their futures and they decided the would start a business together

Year 2017

Everything worked out well they went to the same collage started a business they became big time CEOs with their names known

And yet the most memorable thing that's happened so far is that Johnny finally woke up and realized all that "protectiveness" wasn't in a best friend way but the "I like you kinda way"

So after a month of wondering if it would be worth putting a life long friendship a great business partner and the ability to just have his presents just to the possibility of them being something more

The answer came to him when they were in a coffee shop and the waiter kept trying to flirt with Ten

After paying he dragged them both out of store

"Hey what's with the attitude"

"Oh I don't know maybe I just don't like seeing other people flirt with someone I have feelings for"

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