Be My Bunny/Be My Moon

6.9K 58 18

Ship: Doil

Genre: Fluff

Trop: Jealousy AU

Word Count: 892
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3rd person's POV

Taeil had been hanging out with Johnny for the last few days and he knew he shouldn't feel jealous because one they were practicing together since he thought Johnny could help him with a move (even though Doyoung thought he could just help him) two he knows Taeil loves him and won't ever let anyone cross the line his set that only him his boyfriend can cross and third the fact he didn't get jealous when he got him and Taeyong couple rings he just thought it was cute and talked about how NCTzens went crazy over them

So he felt like shit for being jealous of his boyfriend spending time with someone else it's not like Taeil can just give every moment of everyday with him he had his own life and he knew that but after a whole week of minimal time with his boyfriend he was just starting to miss him and seeing him spend so much time with someone else when he misses him got him jealous

He was going to eat and go out with Jaehyun and Taeyong to get his mind out of the jealousy his feeling since they both knew he was jealous which is another thing he didn't understand how could Jaehyun let him give Taeyong a couples ring and then play it of he said it was because he knows they are both good friends and that he trusts me and knows he wouldn't cheat on Taeil which is very true but even so how did he get over it so quickly he didn't understand

Halfway through eating Johnny and Taeil came laughing and talking with Johnny making hand signs it emphasized something he was saying making Taeil laugh more worst part they looked so happy next to each other now Doyoung no longer felt jealous he felt horrible they looked like they could be a prefect couple laughing and talking add that to the fact he missed Taeil so he looked down as if he was going to cry but he shouldn't he pushed the half eaten plate towards Taeyong and Jaehyun

"I don't feel hungry anymore actually you guys can go out together I don't want to third wheel anyway"

He got up and left the room looking like the smallest mishap would make him cry and this didn't go unnoticed by Taeil

"So that's when-"

He wasn't listening at this point he wanted to know what happened to Doyoung he knows they haven't been spending a lot of time together but every night he said he understood that Taeil needed to practice Johnny noticed he wasn't listening he followed Taeil's eyes to see Doyoung walking out

"Well what are you waiting for go follow him isn't that what you wanna do"

Taeil look at him

"What we have to practice"

"Taeil I know you miss him even if it was just a few days you can't focus if your only thinking of him"

Taeil didn't answer he just ran to Doyoung is room

Doyoung was sat inside about to cry but he wouldn't let himself cry he heard a knock on hi door

"Come in"

His voice didn't have any energy in it

Taeil walked in and was heartbroken

"Hey what's wrong"

He looked up and realized it was Taeil it's like he couldn't control himself anymore

He tugged him down on to the bed and hugged him with a few tears falling


"If it was nothing you wouldn't be crying"

He took a deep breath

"It's just you.... I miss you.... it's only been a week and I understand you have your own life but I can't help it we've never spent more than three days apart and I guess jealousy started to get to me then both of you..... you guys looked like such a good couple.... I felt like I wasn't your boyfriend like I was invisible watching you guys be so happy....I.... please...."

He hugged him tighter

"Please.... don't leave me.... I know there are people who could treat you better than me.... ones that wouldn't get jealous.... one that would be better than me... but I need you"

That's when Taeil realized his boyfriend felt insecure like he wasn't good enough which was far from the truth he held in tighter and started rubbing his back

"I'm not going to leave listen to me everything you feel is perfectly normal you think I didn't miss you I did I really did hell the whole point was for me to learn but I just kept failing because I couldn't stop thinking of you Doyoung I get jealous too but you are more than amazing enough for me that's why I fell in love with you I need you too I don't know what I would do without you my life would fall apart I wouldn't even have the will to get up..... I love you"

At this point they were both crying in each other's arms

Doyoung looked up

"I love you too let's never leave each other okay"


The shared a sweet kiss that had a salty taste from their tears

They looked into each other's eyes

"You'll always be my moon"

"You'll always be my Bunny"

~The End~

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