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Ship: Renyang

Genre: Fluff

Trop: High school sweethearts AU

Word Count: 763
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Yangyang's POV

Renjun and I were getting breakfast together like we always do when he spilled coffee on his shirt

"Ah shit"

I grabbed tissues to help him

"Do you have and extra shirt"

"No fuck what am I gonna do"

"Here just wear my jersey"

I toke it out of my bag

"Don't you need it?"

"No I mixed it up I thought today was Wednesday I only have practice on Wednesdays, Mondays, and Fridays remember you literally come and read a book under the bleachers because you don't want the "hockey jock jerks" to see you since they will start asking why your there and you don't want to talk to them which is fair since one of them is dating your ex and they can all kinda be jerks to anyone outside the team"

"Oh ya no I'll just figure it out"

I looked at him confused

"Why not"

"Because incase you haven't noticed no one knows we are together my ex was a girl my parents set me up with since she was a family friend and they still thought I was straight and I was to scared to come out to them so I just dated her and I still don't feel comfortable coming out yet unlike you who's known as the cute bi hockey heartthrob"

"Wait people actually call me that? Never mind listen prom is coming up and I wanted to ask you and if you wanted to go with me then we would have to say we are a couple soon and better now than later or someone might put us and we would be not ready for it"

He looked at me and sighed

"Ugh fine I guess your right pass over the jersey"

I gave it to him

"Why does MY jersey look better on you life isn't fair"

"This is actually surprisingly comfy"

"I'm never gonna get that back am I"

"Do you have a spare"

"That one is my spare"

"Then no why do you need more than one anyway"

I sighed knowing I wouldn't get it back unless I stole it next time I visited and he would still steal it back

Renjun's POV

I walked in to school a little before Yangyang because the cute dumbass had to stop to tie his shoes I swear he puts the bi in dumb bitch

As soon as I walked in the whispers started

"Hey I didn't know he was on the hockey team"

"His not"

"So he's wearing someone on the team's jersey"

"Isn't that Yangyang's jersey"

"Your right it is"

"Are they dating"

"But isn't Renjun straight"

"Maybe his bi or Pan"

"Or maybe omnisexual"

"So maybe they are just friends"

"Well you don't see Yangyang giving his jersey to Xiaojun"

"But isn't Xiaojun dating Hendery maybe that's why because his also friends with Hendery and doesn't want to start drama"

He honestly didn't even know how people knew Xiaojun and Hendery were together when they started dating after they graduated so they were now in college

Just then the man who had this great idea walked in and held my hand

"Okay I'm back"

He walked me to my class and just I was about to walk in gave me a peck

"So they are dating"

"Shit how long do you think they have been dating because I hit on him last week and he rejected me"

"Well damn"

He looked and me

"Have a nice class love oh and"

He turned around and looked at the other students

"Can y'all not talk about me and my boyfriend is relationship right behind my back like talking behind someone's back is an expression your not actually supposed to talk behind their back and his sexuality is none of y'all's god damn business last I checked"

He looked and me again and smiled

"See you at lunch"

I smiled

"Ya see you at lunch"

*time skip + 3rd person's POV*

They went to prom happily and even won best couple which Jaemin was salty about since he thought him and Jeno should've won that award and the only reason Haechan wasn't complaining was because he went to his boyfriend Mark is prom last year and won best couple then

Anyway they both graduated and ended up going to colleges near each other so they got a small apparent together instead of paying for a college dorm plus it was better since they saw each other more like that

~The End~

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