
5.7K 38 39

Ship: Chensung

Genre: Fluff

Trop: none

Word Count: 282
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Jisung's POV

It's been a few days now and I still couldn't fine my favorite hoodie

It's been lost for days now

I kept trying to remember where I would've left it

Jaemin came into my room

"You still haven't found it"

"No and I have no clue where it could be at this point I've looked everywhere"

"You'll find it eventually okay me and the rest of the 00 liners are going out okay"


Later after Jaemin left lele came out of his room wearing

My favorite hoodie

"You had it"

"Had what?"

"My favorite hoodie"

"Ya silly you gave it to me last week when we went on our date to the amusement park and I said I was cold"

Suddenly the memory flashed through my mind

"I did didn't I so I've been looking at it for nothing this entire time"

"What it back I really don't mind"

"You can keep it it looks better on you anyway"

Which was very true it was over sized on him since I was taller than him

"But it's your favorite hoodie"

"And your my favorite person"

He kissed me

"And your my favorite person too but you can be an idiot some times"

"I'm not an idiot some times"

"You think to tell Jaemin you lost your favorite hoodie but don't ask your own boyfriend"

"Okay in my defense I thought it was in the laundry and Jaemin was the last one to do the laundry"

"Okay what do you want to eat"

"Let's go out and eat some pancakes it's only like 11 pm"

"Sounds good to me"

~The End~

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