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Ship: Renyang (yes again)

Genre: fluff

Trop: Vampire AU

Word Count: 1046
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3rd person's POV

Renjun was a vampire

Not a lot knew

The only other person who knew was Jaemin since he was also a vampire

Not even his own boyfriend knew he was a vampire

Recently his boyfriend had been giving him vampire vibes

he tried to talk to Jaemin about it he did

"I think Yangyang's a vampire"


"Idk he just gives me that vibe"

"Do you have proof?"

"Not yet but I just know it I mean come on he... he just is a vampire"

"Renjun.... do you have a vampire link?"

"What the fuck? No why would you even ask that"

"Idk it just seems like your maybe trying to convince yourself his a vampire..... and well that sounds like having a vampire kink to me"

"Jaemin I do not have a vampire kink and I'm definitely not forcing some weird ass nonexistent vampire kink onto my boyfriend"

"Are you sure because I know people who have vampire kinks plus your 240 years old and haven't been railed yet you'd be shocked to discover the shit people enjoy in bed-"

"JAEMIN I DO NOT HAVE A VAMPIRE KINK also stop mother fucking reminding me how old I am"

Yes Renjun was 240 years old

He was also 20 years old

Confusing right? Well a vampire year is 12 years to normal humans and it's common to stop aging at 25 he had a few more years to go

"Okay okay"

"Whatever you'll see when I have all the evidence"


So that's what Renjun is new mission was

Getting proof that Yangyang was in fact a vampire

Reasons what I (Renjun) think that my best friend, partner in crime, and lover (Yangyang) is a vampire

1- he drinks juice packets that look a lot like the blood packets Jaemin and I drink

One time Renjun was over visiting his boyfriend when he saw him sat there watching some Netflix movie drinking a juice packet

When the other boy noticed him he smiled

Renjun could swear he saw fangs but they were gone in the blink of an eye

"So what brings you here"

"Oh I don't know my boyfriend"

"And who is that"

"You know damn well it's you"

"I know but I still like hearing you say it"

He sat down next to Yangyang who continued drinking his juice packet

"Hey what is that"

"Oh umm strawberry juice"

"Can I have a sip"

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