My King

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Ship: Nomin

Genre: Fluff

Trop: Soulmate, Witch, Royal AU

Word Count: 1106
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3rd person's POV

When the new prince Jeno turned five it started

His powers came much like ever witch child in the kingdom

But also the hunt for his soulmate

An old spell requiring ever parent to give a sample of their child's blood to be tested to find the young royal

Once found the child will be taken from his family

This child was Jaemin

Of course he still got to see his family whenever they wanted to visit they were not heartless monsters to rip a young child away from his family


Jeno say his dad walk in with a young boy who looked to be his age

"Jeno this is your new friend he will always be with you"

Friend you simply can't tell a child that this was the person they were destined to forever be with

Even if you wanted to you can't it is against the laws they must naturally find out they are soulmates

When their powers start too bond

Meaning their powers will start to connect

And in this case Jeno had fire powers they found when he got mad that he could figure out how to solve a puzzle and started to light up on fire

Young Jaemin found his ice powers when he froze a toy crying because it was his favorite and then his mother had to cheer him up by reminding him he was like his favorite Disney princess Elsa

A friend

He I hadn't had a friend yet he only had his parents and the castle staff to play with

The small boy smiled and ran up to the other boy speaking with such excitement

"Hi I'm Jeno"

The other boy however had red eyes a flush nose and puffy checks from crying his parents told him they would see him every weekend and yet that didn't comfort the crying child and due to all the screams of "I don't wanna go" and "let me stay" his voice was barely above a whisper

"Hi I'm Jaemin"

Jaemin didn't understand why he had to be here his parents however knew they couldn't give him a better life than one he would be living as a royal is soulmate he would be treated as a royal himself and they still got to see their baby so they did what and chose giving him a better life and future


They were now best friends always together were ever Jeno was Jaemin was and like wise were ever Jaemin was Jeno was like they were attached by the hip

They went to school together and all the teachers knew to let the boys be in their own little world however today was different as a girl came to play with Jaemin

And Jaemin being the sweet boy he was he said yes

And Jeno always going with Jaemin followed them

Well Jeno was trying to get Jaemin to push him on the swing Jaemin was busy helping the new girl build a sandcastle

"Nana can you push me"

"One second Nono I'm helping Soojin"

After waiting for what felt like hours Jeno ended up setting the swing on fire he didn't understand why Jaemin was helping her not him when he was his best friend he should be spending time with him

Of course the teachers came over put the fire out and took Jeno into an office

"Now Jeno why would you light the swing on fire"

"I didn't mean to nana just refused to help me and was helping Soojin instead that made me mad at I not his best friend"

The teacher had to hold back a laugh knowing the little 10 year old in front of her was jealous

"Maybe he just needed to help Soojin okay why don't you go and ask nana to play with you now"

"Okay I will Ms.Kim"

He went off and found Jaemin by the burned swing when Jaemin saw him he ran to him

"Nono why would you burn the swing now we can't take turns pushing each other on it till they get a new one"

"It was by accident I'm sorry"

"It's okay Nono anyway lunch is almost over let's go really quickly eat something"

"Okay let's go"


It was another day and Jeno and Jaemin were practicing their powers when Jaemin felt like he was getting frustrated because he couldn't get his ice to shoot the way he wanted Jeno saw this and thought he should help

"Here let me help"

He went to behind him and grabbed his arm and slowly lead it up

"Like that now shoot your ice"

He shoot it but this time instead of ice water came

"Water.... if I have ice.... and you have fire to melt the ice..."

"But.... that would mean our powers would have to combine and that would mean we.... we are soulmates"

They both looked at each other then looked to the side to see the king

"So you finally figured it out"

"Wait so we really are...."

"Of course son why do you think we bought Jaemin here in the first place anyway I will leave you two to talk the soulmate thing out"


Jaemin was peaceful standing looking outside the window when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him he knew it was Jeno no one else would have the guts to hug the kings soulmate but the king even give him a kiss on the check

Also yes king two years ago on Jeno's 18th birthday he was crowned king

"Hey Jaemin could you ever imagine someone else being king"

Jaemin looked at him with a confused face

"No who would ever make a better king than you"

"Well have you ever thought of being king"

"No why would I thats your place"

"Well what about being queen"

As he was about to speck he was cut off by Jeno

"I know we are very young but..."

He saw Jeno get on one knee

"Na Jaemin would you be my queen"

Jaemin couldn't process saying words right now so he just nodded in happiness about to cry tears of joy

Jeno sat up and put the ring on his finger

"I love you my soon to be queen"

"I love you my king"

"So what do you think of Lee Jaemin because I think it fits more than Na Jeno"

"I think it sounds fine"

"Good because it will be your name"

They smiled at each other and kissed

~The End~

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