A Kiss Better

7K 75 18

Ship: Jaeyong

Genre: Fluff

Trop: Tough day AU

Word Count: 332
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3rd person's POV

Taeyong was having a hard day after he hurt his ankle dancing

He could barely stand up however he was all alone since he was practicing a move he couldn't seem to get right

And just his luck the practice rooms were sound proof so that the music one group was playing won't disturb another group which meant no one heard him cry in pain

So he was sat in pain for what felt like forever but was actually half an hour worst part

He felt he couldn't move with out crying in pain so he couldn't even get his phone to call anyone

Until his boyfriend and fellow member Jaehyun walked in with food

"Hey I brought you some food since you didn't come back to the dorm to eat WHAT HAPPENED"

Once he saw his boyfriend on the floor with a tear stained face holding his leg with a facial expression of pure pain he dropped the bag of food and went to him

"I was dancing and I think I feel on my leg wrong"

"I'll take you to a hospital"

He picked up his boyfriend is phone from the corner then grabbed the food he dropped and picked up his boyfriend

He unlocked his car and placed him inside carefully making sure not to hurt him and giving him the food

"Here eat while I drive you must be hungry"

*time skip*

After a few X-rays turns out that he partial bone fracture a small crack in his fibula was made when he feel but thankfully it will recover on its own he just needed to take it slow for a month with a cast and it should heal just fine

So for the next month all the members made sure that the leader didn't push himself to far especially Jaehyun

Every night since then he would give Taeyong a kiss before going to bed

A kiss better if you will

~The End~

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