Drunken Love

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Alexa's P.O.V

I leaned my back against the wall as I slowly took a sip of the liquor in my cup. It was strong but I'd gotten used to the burning feeling in the back of my throat. I watched as everyone did their own thing, partying amongst their friends until John Ellis arrived. People had assumed he had something to do with the bombing today, but now that he was cleared I guess everyone is cool now. I looked around as everyone cheered and celebrated his arrival. I took another sip then raised the cup to my face, pressing the cold, wet cup against my face. It felt nice.

"Hey." I looked over and saw Tim standing beside me. I don't know how I didn't notice him walking over, but I guess it doesn't really matter.

"Hey," I responded briefly and turned my head back to the party going on around me.

"You okay?" I didn't bother looking at him. I could think of a million ways to answer his question, the first being HELL NO. Instead, I nodded my head and took yet another sip; I'm not even sure what I poured into this cup.

"Uh... you said you wanted to talk before? Sorry for being an asshole to you earlier by the way."

"Yeah, forget about that it's not really important." I shrugged and downed the rest of my drink. I don't want to feel the way I do right now. I don't want to feel a damn thing.

"It is important though, you're always there for me and I need to do the same for you, Lex. Talk to me, please?" He stuck his bottom lip out as he pleaded with me, pouting with a stupid puppy dog face.

"I'm fine, just drop it, Tim." I rolled my eyes and crushed my cup in my hand before tossing it onto a table nearby. He put his hands up as if surrendering and walked off.

"Timmy wait, I'm sorry." I reached for his arm gently and he stopped in his tracks.

"What's going on with you Lex, either you want to talk or you don't? I'm not a mind reader."I paused for a second and leaned onto him for support.

"I need to do something. My brain feels like it's gonna explode." I grabbed his shoulders making him look me in the eyes.

"I need to do something right fucking now. I'll explain everything let's just go."

"Yeah let's go." He finally answered and I paused briefly. I didn't think he would actually agree to leave with me.

"Come on let's go." He repeated and I ran past him, grabbing his hand on the way out.

"Where do you wanna go?" I thought about it for a second then started laughing my ass off.

"Anywhere!" I shouted as we continued to run, we ended up finding our way to the train station, just as the 6 train pulled up.

"Yeah, come on," Tim said in between laughs as I struggled to catch up. I was a giggling mess the entire time and this was honestly the most fun I'd had all night. We managed to run all the way to the front of the train; Tim stepped in front first, grabbing onto the handles that were there as he helped me get on. I had my left hand tightly gripping the metal handle and I wrapped my right arm was wrapped around Timmy.

"This is so crazy, I love it," I whispered as I face him. I was breathing heavily and so was he. Maybe it was just the excitement, the thrill of it all, or maybe he felt the same way. Whatever it was, I wasn't complaining as he grabbed my chin and place his lips on mine. The kiss was short and sweet, but I loved every second of it,

"Hold on, okay?" He said and I nodded my head as the train began to move. My grip tightened but I wasn't scared. I was on cloud 9... this feeling of pure ecstasy was something I never wanted to let go. He looked so happy, he turned to me every few seconds and smiled wide at me. It was a big, goofy grin that I couldn't help but fall in love with. I smiled back but I could feel tears sliding down my face. I stared out at the sight in front of me, watching as everything whizzed by, and couldn't contain myself any longer. I screamed as loud as I could, it felt like a rollercoaster. I guess Tim felt the same way as he joined me in screaming. This was all I ever wanted, he is all I've ever wanted.

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