Broken Hearts and Train Carts

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Alexa's P.O.V

"This is captain material! This is how we rise to the top of the Grand Army Slut Squad. By saying fuck the fucking patriarchy!" The captain of the dance team shouted as she held Joey's arm up, celebrating the movement. All the girls cheered and screamed as she hugged Joey and I smiled, I had honestly burned out all of my energy at this point. 

I was feeling super tired so I decided to go and splash some cold water on my face. I jogged over to the locker rooms and went over to the sinks. I splashed the water on my face lightly, trying to wake myself up a little. I should be celebrating, I should be so amped up and happy but I'm just not. I grabbed a napkin and dried my hands off, then grabbed another and dabbed it on my face making sure it was dry. When I exited the locker room the first thing I noticed was Tim was here. I watched as he inched closer to Joey, slowly they moved in and in a blink of an eye they were kissing. 

"What the fuck!" I yelled and they instantly broke apart. Maybe I was overreacting but I took off Tim's hoodie and threw it on the floor. We JUST kissed recently and he's kissing Joey? Jesus fucking Christ. I stormed out of the gym, cursing to absolutely no one. 

"Fuck!" I shouted and kicked a nearby locker over and over. 

"Um, are you okay?" I rubbed my face angrily and turned around to find that Freshman, Leila, standing behind me.

"I'm fine, what do you want?"

"I- um... you're friends with George right?" She looked down at her hands as she fumbled with the hem of her shirt. 

"Let me stop you there sweetheart, Geo doesn't like you. Geo only wants one thing and if you believe otherwise, sorry to tell you but you're an idiot." I slammed my hand on the locker and stormed off. 

I grabbed my shit from my locker and made my way out of the school. Luke and George attempted to talk to me but I ignored them. I put on my AirPods and blocked everyone out. I didn't want to deal with anyone right now. I put on the song 'Falling' by Harry Styles; something about his voice is so soothing. The Fine Line album was a gift from the Gods themselves, we as humans are not worthy. 

I turned on Do Not Disturb as I walked to the train station, I really don't want to hear from anyone right now. I swiped my MetroCard and waited at the platform for the train to come. When it finally came I got on and rushed to one of the few available seats. I heard someone suck their teeth as I sat down and I shrugged my shoulders. I placed my bag on the floor and stuck my leg through the straps, making sure no one could steal my bag. I pulled the bag up so it was resting in my lap and leaned back against the wall. 

The guy beside me started to shift in his seat, his left leg bumping into my right. I moved over as much as I could, which wasn't a lot so that we were no longer touching. Only seconds passed when I felt his leg against mine again; I rolled my eyes and crossed my right leg over my left. 

I was starting to doze off when I felt a hand on my thigh. A part of me thought I was dreaming or imagining it until I felt the hand go higher up my thigh, I panicked. Since my bag was blocking his view of my left arm I slowly reached into my pocket, grabbing my pepper spray carefully. I pushed the little tab over so that it was now unlocked and when I felt his hand between my leg I shot up and sprayed him in the eyes. 

His screams filled the train cart and I backed away from him as he began reaching out towards me. Everyone began coughing and trying to cover their faces and I rushed to the door that leads to the next cart, rushing inside. I didn't stop there, I ended up running about 4 carts down into a crowded cart where I could blend in with the crowd. I was panting heavily and trying to calm myself down as I held onto the cold metal pole in the center of the cart. 

What a fucking day...

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