Guilt, Weed and Stupidity

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Alexa's P.O.V 

Luke and I were currently in my bed, naked, and smoking a blunt as we vented. This is why I liked having Luke around, everything was always casual. I exhaled, releasing the smoke from my lungs as I turned over towards him.

"Can I ask you something? It's kind of weird given our current situation though."

"Yeah, sure." He said as he took a pull from the blunt, I could tell he was already feeling it. 

"What are your thoughts on Joey? Like what makes you want her?" He paused for a second as he thought about it.

"I mean, Joey's just Joey. She's fun and wild, she's kind of like one of the guys but she's not. Know what I mean?" 

"Not really, but thanks I guess." I grabbed the blunt from his hands, taking a pull from it until I heard the doorbell. 

"Shit," I said I got up and threw on a random shirt and a pair of shorts. I ran to the door and almost falling on my fucking ass as I did.

"Coming!" I yelled as I tried to regain my balance. I stopped in front of the door as I caught my breath. When I regained my composure I unlocked the door and swung it open.

"Hey, Lex." 

I froze as I realized Tim was here.


Tim is here and I just finished fucking one of our best friends. Not good, not good, no Bueno, holy shit.

" hey T-Timmy."

"Can we talk?" His voice was low and he looked everywhere but at me. 

"Um now's not really a good... time" I trailed off as I felt Luke come up behind me.

"Oh hey Tim, what's up bro?" I should punch this bitch in his throat. Tim's eyes met mine before trailing down to my neck which was now decorated with spots of red and purple thanks to Luke.

"Oh, great. Here I am feeling like shit while you're fucking Luke. Nice job Alexa." 

"Tim, wait!" I followed after him as he made his way down the stairs. 

"Tim, for fuck sakes will you just wait?" I shouted nearly falling down the steps a few times. He ignored me and walked out of my building. I couldn't just leave it like this though. I took a deep breath and ran out of my building. The feeling of the pavement beneath my feet sent chills all over my body. The cold air attacked my skin the moment I stepped outside but I ignored it as best as I could. I ran up to Tim, cutting him off so he had no choice but to talk to me.

"What do you want, Alexa?" he shouted and I flinched. Tim has literally never shouted at me before, I feel like such a pussy right now but I hate getting yelled at.

"I-I don't understand why you're so upset with me right now. You kissed Joe after kissing me, why does it matter what I'm doing?" He avoided my eyes, looking everywhere but at me.

"Hello? An answer would be nice, I'm freezing my ass off here!" He looked down at me and rolled his eyes before taking his coat off. He threw it to me and I caught it gratefully. I quickly put it on, feeling at least a little bit warmer now. 

"Look, when I kissed you...I felt something and it scared me. I've never felt that with anyone, not even Joe. I have feelings for her, but I also have feelings for you. But you're with Luke now right? So fuck it." 

"If you have to choose between me and her, choose her. I don't want to be anyone's second choice. Luke and I aren't together by the way, jack ass. I'm entitled to the same casual sex life that you are. If you have a problem with that well... you should've chose me." I shrugged and handed him his jacket as I ran back home.

"You're so annoying! Why would you leave the room?" I shouted once I walked into the apartment, pushing Luke out of the way.

"I was curious, I heard Tim and wanted to say hi."

"Oh, that's nice, real nice. Except that now he knows we had sex!" I sat down on my bed and buried my hands in my hair as I rested my elbows on my knees.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident." He said he drew out every word, he sat on the bed and pulled me into a hug.

"Forgive me," he whined and I rolled my eyes and pushed him away softly. Both of our phones suddenly went off. I grabbed mine and clicked the notification, which was a text from Joey in the group chat. I immediately rolled my eyes; it was a picture of her tit, apparently, she got her nipple pierced. When I got mine pierced I didn't think it was a good idea to show everyone but to each their own I guess.

I tossed my phone once I saw Luke's reply to the picture and laid down on the bed as my feet hung over. When will this all end? 

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