Boogie down Bronx

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Alexa's P.O.V

I rushed out of my apartment, struggling to apply lipgloss on my lips as I hoisted my bag over my shoulder. I made my way to the bodega across the street and walked over to the register.

"Manny, tell Jay I need a bacon egg and cheese with ketchup, mayo, and black pepper." I waited for him to tell Jay my order before I rushed to the back of the store for a drink. I grabbed a pink lemonade Arizona, which for some reason people don't like. Their taste buds are fucked.

I walked over and put my drink of the counter, waiting patiently for my food as I scrolled through Instagram.

When my food was ready I handed Manny a five dollar bill from my wallet, before shoving it back inside my bag.

"Thank you!" I shouted over my shoulder, before began to make my way to the train station. I always regret picking a school in Brooklyn but my parents had convinced me it was a good idea. The train from the Bronx to Brooklyn was always hell, I have to wake up so fucking early every day. Thank God I'm already a junior.

When I got to the train station I jogged up the stairs, panting heavily once I got to the top. I'm so out of shape holy shit. I ignored the feeling of my heart practically beating out of my chest and fished my wallet out of my bag once again. I swiped my Metrocard and made my way to the train platform. The train didn't take long today, within 5 minutes I was on board and on my way to my shitty school.

To pass the time I pulled out my unfinished homework and began searching up the answers, making sure to get one wrong here and there so it wasn't obvious I cheated.

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