Chapter 8

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Deku's POV
"Wait what?? What do you mean that I'll stay at your house?!" I asked. "Isn't that too much troubles...? Maybe I'll just stay at the UA dorms... I don't want to bother you like that!" I said. I really didn't want to bother him, it's not his fault that everything happened. "Actually, it was my idea. You need to stay with a hero until we'll find your father. And the rest of the heroes agreed with me. All might wanted you to stay at his house, but it will get too much attention from the media that a kid from UA is living in the ex number 1 hero's house. So we agreed that you'll stay at my place" He said. Wait, all might wanted me to stay at his house? People would think that I'm his lost son or something.... todoroki kun would be one of them. "You sure it's a good idea...? If my father is looking for me, and I'm pretty sure he is, then wouldn't that will put you in danger too??" I asked. "Listen. As a pro hero it's literally my job to keep you safe." We'll there's no way to change aizawa's decision now. "Well... ok... if you think that's that will make sure I'll be safe, then ok" I said, trying to smile. Aizawa smiled a small smile back to me, even though it was kinda scary because I never actually saw him smiling. "Btw, I'm not the only one who came to visit you." He said and pointed at the door. "There are 19 kids who came here too."

Still Deku's POV
"MIDORIYA KUN!!" "DEKU KUN!!" "MIDORIYA!!" I heard my class screaming as they ran into the room. "Oh- uH— hi guys—" I said shyly. "What happened?!?! Are you feeling alright???" Uraraka asked while panicking. "I'm fine, really! You guys don't have to worry anymore!" I said to calm them down. "Midoriya, you were in a coma for literally A WEEK." Kaminari said. Wait what?! "FOR A WEEK?!?!?! Oh god I probably caused too much troubles..... and I missed too much school days it's probably a lot of homework.... and a week in the hospital while being in a come isnt really good you guys were probably worried...." without noticing I started mumbling. "For once I actually missed your mumbling midoriya Chan" tsuyu said and all of us laughed. I laughed too, it actually felt really good.

Aizawa's POV
The moment the whole class came into the room, I left.
I walked in the hallway as I saw all might. "Well hello there, 'all might'. Can I ask what are you doing here?" "Well of course, I came here to visit young midoriya!! I heard that he woke up so I obviously need to see him, and still... discuss on what's going to happened." He said. "Listen, the kid just woke up from a coma after his father killed his mother and almost killed him. I think that he needs some space from whatever is going on right now. He's now talking to his classmates, but let's wait until tomorrow to talk with him about his father" I said. It'll be a bad idea to talk to midoriya about his father right now. All might nodded in understanding. I was about to go back to midoriya's hospital room, and I heard them laughing. I looked into the room and I saw all of them smiling, including midoriya. Maybe I'll just leave them alone for today.

Bakugou's POV
Even though I'll never admit it, I was worried as hell. Obviously it was because of me... I was the last person who saw him.. if only I could suggest to walk home with him, or maybe I could've asked him how's home or something... anything... but I didn't. And he almost got killed. I couldn't even bring myself to visit him, I felt so much guilty. And I still do. But seeing him awake... and SMILING.. that does make me feel a little better too. Pink cheeks kept asking Deku if he was ok and stuff, but four eyes told her to stop bothering him. "Look midoriya kun we bought you lots of things while you were here!" Raccoon eyes pointed at a table full of all might things. Deku's eyes literally SPARKED when he saw them. I tried to hide my smile, he's kinda cute. WAIT WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK AM I THINKING?! NO NO NO NO. "Thank you so much guys!! You really shouldn't have!" Deku said. "Nonsense! All of us were worried and we all wanted you to feel good when you wake up! And we know you love all might!" Momo said. "AAAAAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCHHH" he said, now crying. Ugh, that stupid nerd. Crying all the time. I tried to stand in the back, behind everyone, so he won't see me.
"You sure u don't want a ride home bakubro?" Shitty hair asked. "Nah, my mom is on my way here to pick me up". I said. "Well ok, if you say so" he said and walked away. It was already evening, and everyone went home. Except for me. I was standing in the hallway, outside Deku's hospital room. I haven't said a word to him the whole time, I didn't know what to say. He probably hates me. Well why wouldn't he? I was a piece of shit to him for years. But if I won't say anything to him now, I'll regret it. I walked into the room quietly. "Kacch- Bakugou? I thought you already went home" he said. I looked at the floor. "Do you hate me?" I said. "What are you talking about?" He asked. "DO YOU HATE ME??" I said again, now looking at him. "If only I asked you that day what's going on in home, if only I could walk you home or anything.... then you wouldn't be like that right now. BUT I DIDNT, AND YOU ALMOST GOT KILLED BECAUSE OF IT" I said with tears in my eyes. "It's not your fault. It would've happen sooner or later." Deku said smiling. I was about to say another thing, but then my phone ringed. "WHAT?!" I answered while whipping my tears. "WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING AT ME?! YOU ASKED ME TO PICK YOU UP DIDNT YOU?!" My mom screamed at the phone. "FINE. IM COMING" I said and I hang up my phone. "I gotta go" I said and I ran out of the room.

Deku's POV
What just happened? Kacchan actually thinks that I hate him... well, a part of me really do. But I can't hate him forever, I adored him for years. I think that what just happened was his way of saying sorry. Stupid kacchan, of course I forgive you.

Just leave me alone. (Suicidal Deku) completedWhere stories live. Discover now