Chapter 21

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Deku's POV
Actually, since middle school I had a crush on kacchan. We were friends since we were born, but as soon he found out I was quirkless he bullied me. So even school wasn't a safe place for me, And not home either. But I don't know how, my crush on kacchan didn't stop. I knew it was a stupid little crush, because kacchan was obviously not into me... I was a stupid weak nerd. But in these last couple of months, he actually became nicer to me, so I actually thought that I had a chance with him. I wanted to get closer to him, but the one thing I never thought that he'll do....
is to kiss me.
I was so surprised, it was actually me first kiss. He pulled away and looked at me, and then he looked kinda scared. "Im- I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that-" he started to say, and I grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him again. To be honest, even I didn't know what I was doing. He was surprised too, but then kissed me back. I melted to the kiss, and I guess that so was he. This is probably the happiest moment that happened to me ever in my life, except for when all might gave me one for all. But at this moment, I felt like I was dreaming. I pulled away from the kiss, and both of us looked at each other shocked. We both were red as fuck. I covered my mouth with my hand and kacchan looked so confused. "Did we just-" he said "YES." I said and covered my whole face with my hands in embarrassment. "That was actually my first-" "ME TOO NOW PLEASE DONT TALK ABOUT IT" I said. God why did I kissed him?!?! It's obvious that we won't work together at all, and kacchan can get a lot better partner than me. "It was horrible wasn't it?" I asked while slowly taking my hands off of my face. "What? Are you KIDDING?! It was amazing!" He said and grabbed my hands. "Wait wait wait wait" I said and he still looked confused. "Are you.... into me?" I asked shyly. "Pfft-" he said and it looked like he tried not to laugh. "I actually thought that I was too obvious- you really didn't notice??" He asked and laughed. I blushed and looked away. "Well, I didn't know!! I thought that you were into Kirishima kun or Uraraka San...." I mumbled. "Ok shitty hair I can probably understand... but ROUND FACE?? I barely talk to her!" Kacchan said and he couldn't stop laughing. "S- stop laughing!!" I said and blushed even harder. This is probably the first time I saw him laugh, and I started to smile. He stopped laughing and looked at me and smiled. "God you're cute" he said, which made me blush even harder. Yup, this is definitely the happiest moment in my life. Even thought Im probably exaggerating.

Aizawa's POV
I stayed home all day to take care of midoriya. He felt like shit since yesterday, so of course that I couldn't leave him alone. But eventually I still needed to do some work, I'm a hero after all. I was really drowning in the hero work, and I didn't notice the time. It was already 20:30. (Bakugou needs to go to sleep-) "oh fuck-" I said and hurried to my car.
I parked the car and rushed home, and the house was empty. I saw midoriya's shoes next to the door.... but there was another pair of shoes there?? Is there someone here? I walked quietly to midoriya's room and slightly opened the door. I saw him sleeping on the bed, cuddling.. with.. Bakugou Katsuki. They were both sleeping and cuddling. To be honest, I'm not even surprised. It was so obvious that they liked each other. I closed the room's door and went to my room. I was kinda tired too. I turned off the lights and went to sleep too.

Deku's POV
The sunlight from outside woke me up, because my window was half closed. I slowly opened my eyes, and the first thing I see... was..
A guy's chest?!
I fully opened my eyes and lifted my head up a little bit, and I saw.... kacchan. Kacchan was sleeping next to me, hugging me. WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?! So the kiss yesterday wasn't a dream or anything?? We actually kissed?! I can't believe that we actually kissed... and that he's now actually sleeping next to me! I blushed, and felt him moving a little. He slightly opened his eyes and looked at me. He was blushing too. He smiled and said "good morning Deku~" he said with his morning voice AND OH GOD ITS HOT. "G- good morning-" I said, not even looking at his face without blushing even more hard. He giggled and hugged me tighter, and I hugged him back. "Wait wait wait wait wait" I said and sat on the bed. "What?" He asked and sat I front of me. "What does all this.... says about us?" "What do you want it to say?" He asked and smirked. "Well... I really like you..." I said shyly. "And as I said yesterday, I like you too" he said. "So are we like, a.. a couple?" I asked and blushed. He got closer to me and kissed me on the forehead. "If that's what you want, then yeah. We're now officially, a couple."  He said and smiled.
I think that this was my first night without nightmares. Except when Aizawa hugged me, this was the first time I was actually being held, and not getting hurt from that. This was the first time I didn't felt guilty about what happened in the past, or sad. These two days were the first time I actually felt loved, in almost 11 years. And I never thought that this day would've come, but it did. And I can't believe it did.

Just leave me alone. (Suicidal Deku) completedWhere stories live. Discover now