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"Dad, where are some places you took mom on dates when you just started dating her?" Jungkook asked his father while spinning around in his office chair. He was trying to find a nice place to take Jin on a date.

His father closed his laptop and lowered his glasses giving his son an intrigued look, "if you stop spinning in my chair, I might tell you. And what you want to know for? Dating someone?"

Jungkook stopped spinning in the chair, turning to give his father his full and undivided attention, "I am, but it's complicated. He is different, like really different, and I am trying to impress him."

"Hmm, it seems like he got you good. Does he know you are rich?"

"I think so, but he doesn't care. I doubt that matters to him; he is very independent, does what he wants, he is completely different from anyone I have ever dated."

His dad chuckles, "you dated before? Here your mother and I thought our son only slept around. Do you know she has not forgiven you for what you did to her friend's son?"

"Dad, please, not now! And that boy he knew what he was getting into, I never told him I liked him. I told him I wanted to have sex with him; big difference, how was I supposed to know he would fall in love and lie to his mother. Let's leave that in the past, can we, I have a serious problem, and I need your help; what's a nice place that I can take someone who is, how do I say this a smug bit more mature than I am."

Sighing, his dad looked at him and shakes his head, "there are nice restaurants around son, there is the opera, the dinner cruises. Your mother used to like simple dates, but ever so often, I love wowing her with something over the top. Dating and how you treat the person you are dating depends on that person. You have to learn their personality to figure out what they might like. What worked for your mother and I, might not work for you and this person. However, I would say start simple, go someplace where you can talk and engage in a conversation to learn about one another. Don't go anywhere too loud because that would be distracting. You want to have their undivided attention during your date. Leave the rowdy dates for a later time, and please don't take your date to a club; it's a no, no."

"This is helpful. I will think about these as I plan my date. With you and mom, who confessed to who first?"

"I confessed to your mom first; why?"

"Did she like you right away, or did she brush you away?"

Mr. Jeon leaned back in his chair, becoming even more intrigued by the questions his son was asking him. He had never had this type of conversation with his son before; for all, he knew his son was a player. College seemed to have really landed him someone, Mr. Jeon thought to himself.

"Your mother and I first date was arranged as you know, it didn't go so well at first, but there were many other dates after that, which we had little control over. Over time, I was drawn to the perfume she would wear, and then her mannerism over time with each date. She had such a different attitude that made it enjoyable to be around her. A sincere woman, sometimes too honest, but I came to love it. It became clear I was smitten with her, but she gave me no hope; she spoke about if she had a choice in her dates, I probably wouldn't be the number one pick. That hurt my pride as a man, but I never gave up courting her; I continued to show her my best side, learning more about her, showing her I wasn't just some rich prick wanting to get into her pants.

In my days, we believed in waiting, I know that's far from your belief, but it was worth it, especially with your mother. No matter how many times she doubted us, I reassured her that we could work. Until I didn't have to anymore, one day she was the one calling me, telling me how much she loved me, of course, she will never admit it, but that's how it happened.

Relationships are complicated son, I would recommend taking your time, but if there is someone you like out there, don't give up on them. You are my son, and I doubt there is anything you want that you cannot have. If you ever need my help, let me know, as always, my son deserves the best."

Jungkook smiled at his father's response, "I know, dad, I won't give up; talking to you always cheer me up."


Picking you up at eight, we are going out.

Jin reviews the text from Jungkook as he walked to the next patient's room and shakes his head, "this man is crazy." he muttered to himself, putting his phone back into his pocket.

Four hours later, when he got a break, he decided to respond to Jungkook, who had sent him several other text messages, which he couldn't help but laugh at.

I already have plans tonight; let's reschedule for another night.

He didn't have plans, but messing with Jungkook, he somewhat found it fun. The man was very entertaining, a bit on the clingy side, but full of fun and entertainment, something Jin could vibe with.

Cancel your plans; see you at eight. Wear something nice but accessible.

Jin reread the message several times over and smiled to himself. Deciding he would go on the date, he put away his phone, not bothering to respond to Jungkook. He needed to check on his best friend and find out what the deal was between him and Taehyung.


"You are pregnant," Taehyung repeats for the hundredth time while sitting across from Jimin.

Jimin slaps his head against his forehead, "Yes, and no matter how many times you say it, it's not going to change. If you want me to get an abortion, I will-"

"Oh, gosh, no, don't do that. I don't want you to do that. I-it's you know I never expected things to become like this, and oh my gosh, what do I do. I like you, Jimin, and I want the baby, but I worry you are not going to like me or want the baby after I tell you something."

"What do you mean?" Jimin had his arms folded, staring at Taehyung already on his defense without even knowing what Taehyung was going to say.

Taehyung started itching the back of his head, then his neck, and then his shoulder while moving around Jin and Jimin's apartment, "the thing is, how old are you?"

"I am twenty-six, turning twenty-seven in October; why is there something wrong with my age?"

Taehyung bites into his lip and shakes his head, "no, not at all. T-the thing is you might think something is wrong with mine."

"What the hell do you mean, can you speak clearly, Taehyung?"

"Okay, before you get mad, listen, I never lied, we just never spoke about it, but I am a little bit, just a tad bit younger than you."

Jimin walks over to Taehyung and points at his chest, "how old are you?!"

"Nineteen, but twenty in December," he whispers, and Jimin's eyes widen in shock.

"You are a kid!"

"No, I am not! Jimin, listen-"

"No, you shut the fuck up and listen, you are a kid! I slept with a teenager, oh my gosh, and I am pregnant. No, this is not real; this has got to be a joke. How the fuck did this happen? What did I do?"

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimin, hugging him tightly against him, "stop it, I am not a kid, I am a grown man, just a little younger, but I am still grown. We can work this out, I am still the same Taehyung, and I like you. I want us to have our baby and be together. I am in college right now, but I promise to do right by you and the baby."

"C-college?" Jimin mutters out, still in shock by the news. 

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