Chapter 2: Karasuno High School

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I just got wakened up by my annoying alarm clock and I just sat on my bed half asleep and as I was slowly coming to my senses, I just realized that I was supposed to go to Karasuno Highschool today.

Y/N: 'So today is the the day I go to the new highschool huh, seriously though what a drag'

My thoughts were interrupted by my sister who suddenly entered my room.

S/N: "N/N-chan, good morning!"

Y/N: "Good morning, Nee-chan and why didn't you knock." He groggily said as he just woke up.

S/N: "You know I always do that, so just get used to it by now. Anyways, you should get up from bed, you do know that you have to go to school today right? You haven't forgot about it right?"

Y/N: "Yes, I know. I haven't forgot."

My big sister, as annoying as she may be sometimes, I still love her very much. After she was the one who was always there for me.

S/N: "That's good to hear, anyway I have prepared breakfast so you should hurry up."

I smiled back and she left the room. Then I quickly got up from bed and put on the uniform and I went downstairs for breakfast.

As I went down I saw that she made a F/F. Something I love having for breakfast and dinner.

Y/N: "Nee-chan you made my favourite meal."

S/N: "Of course I did N/N, I thought that you might be tired from yesterday so I made you your favourite breakfast to cheer you up."

Y/N: "Thank you very much Nee-chan you're the best." He said as he smiled happily.

S/N: "I know I am, anyways I'm off. Behave well and come home before dinner okay?"

Y/N: "I got it, I'll behave well and come back before dinner. See you later Nee-chan."

She also said bye to him and she left for high school not so long after.

Y/N: 'I probably should get going too before I get late.'

With that in mind I also went to school.


I finally arrived to Karasuno and it looked good. As I went in the school gates I heard some girls talk about me.

Y/N: 'Do I look that bad, why are they all staring at me. I guess they don't like boys from the cities.'

Girl 1: "Hey is that the transfer student?"

Girl 2: "I think he is."

Girl 3: "He looks really cute. Hey, do you think he has a girlfriend?"

Girl 2: "Probably, considering his looks."

I then went pass them and they just stood quietly. I entered the school building and became lost for a few minutes.

I finally saw the Class 2-3 label on top of the door to the classroom after getting lost for some time but I somehow made it.

Then I saw the teacher standing outside the classroom and she saw me walking towards the class and she quickly called me.

Teacher: "Are you L/N Y/N? The new transfer student."

Y/N: "Yes ma'am and I'm sorry for being late, I kind of lost my way here."

Teacher: "Don't worry, it can be helped that you got lost on your first day. Anyway I'm your homeroom teacher and you can come in after I call you in."

Y/N: "Yes ma'am."

The teacher then went in and said some things.

Teacher: "All right everyone please be quiet, today we have a transfer student today so come in and introduce yourself."

I came in and the rest of the class looked at me, then I quickly introduced myself.

Y/N: "Hello everyone nice to meet you. My name is L/N Y/N and I hope we can all get along well." After saying that I bowed my head to my new classmates.

As I quickly introduced myself in a short and simple manner and flashed them a smile, some of the girls looked like they were blushing and the boys were giving me a friendly smile.

Teacher: "Thank you for your introduction L/N-san, go and sit in any empty seat available."

I then went to sit in the back near the window (As all protagonists would do.) After sitting down at my chair, a short boy came and started talking to me.

Nishinoya: "I'm Nishinoya, nice to meet you L/N-kun"

Y/N: "Nice to meet you too Nishinoya-san."

Nishinoya: "How do you like our school so far?"

Y/N: "I like it a lot."

Nishinoya: "That's great, and if you don't mind me asking. What club are you trying to join?"

Y/N: "Probably sports, specifically volleyball."

Nishinoya looked me with sparkles in his eyes.

Nishinoya: "Then you should come join our volleyball team. I'll take you to the clubroom after school ends."

Y/N: "Thanks, I would like that." I thanked him after that and thought to myself. 'Wow, the people in this school sure are kind. My remaining years in this school will be fun.'

To be continued

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