Twenty-Five: Graduation and Kisses

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POV: Nathan Westmore

It took a moment for me to recognize the posters on the walls and the books that were both organized and scattered around everywhere weren't mine.

I closed my eyes again and smiled at the comforting feeling of Zen's arms warmly wrapped around me as I leaned back into his touch, half tempted to go back to sleep. Instead, I turned to face him. His eyes closed but the change in his breathing told me he was awake or at least half-awake.

I rubbed my thumb over his cheek. It was an odd but newly wondrous feeling to have lately that I have someone like him in my life. Someone that I could lay in bed with while tracing their face never wanting the moment to be over.

I was convinced since I was twelve I would die alone and my millions of cats would eat my body once I did. That still could happen I guess, but at least I'll know I had some happy years before my cats killed me. The thought seemed more comforting at seven in the morning.

As I was not paying attention Zen leaned in and kissed my forehead something that I never knew would bring so much happiness to me.

"Can you just stop," he groaned. "It's a lot to refrain from tackling you when you look so attractive in the mornings."

"Fine, I guess I'll just go put my clothes on then..."

"I didn't say you fucking had to do that."

He was now fully awake sitting up in bed. He looked around his room for a moment before turning back to me. "Wait what time is it?"


We looked at each other realizing the issue. I nearly fell out of bed and grabbed my phone, luckily half charged still.

Twelve missed calls.

Ten messages, the last one was sent at eleven-thirty last night.

"They are going to kill me and murder my ghost," I horrifyingly muttered.

Zen laughed. "I thought you sent an alarm."

"I thought I'd be up in an hour. I didn't think I'd end up staying the night!"

Just then my phone scared me and buzzed from the incoming call. I threw the phone on the bed as if touching it would blow me up.

Zen was cackling at this point as I hushed him and answered the phone reluctantly.

"Hi, mom," I winced at what was to come.

"Wow, so you can answer your phone. You know I don't care if you are out past curfew and that you're a responsible adult—but answer your phone. I need to make sure you're okay. Where have you been?"

My mom was clearly worried and I felt a bit bad for not letting her know where I was, even if I didn't mean to stay over at Zen's.

I looked around. I didn't think telling her the reason I didn't call was because after having really amazing sex with my boyfriend I fell asleep without setting an alarm like I normally did.

"Oh, I'm with Jax," I half lied.

Jax was here the night before when we had a night in binging Bates Motel while binging on pizza and other junk food until we finished two of the five seasons.

"Put me on speaker," my mother ordered.

I sighed with defeat as I did what she said reluctantly.

"Good morning, Zen," she chimed, not missing a beat. She knew better and I don't even know why I bothered at this point.

"Morning Cathy," Zen laughed at my misfortune.

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